10 Characters As Bad as Voldemort

In the world of cinema, there are bad characters that are sometimes very, sometimes not liked at all. We have listed 10 movie characters for you, who mostly make the movie they are in, but can be even worse than Voldemort, who are also very tough opponents for the main characters.

The most evil and evil character in the world of Harry Potter is undoubtedly Lord Voldemort. Looking even more humble than Harry in his youth, Tom Riddle went on to become the most powerful and dangerous dark wizard in the history of wizardry, destroying almost everything for that power.

Voldemort in the Harry Potter series the worst man and one of the strongest villains in movie history Although he is one, other movies also feature villains like Voldemort. Lord Voldemort may be unique in his world, but there are many other characters who use unimaginable powers and techniques for darker purposes. We also listed the bad movie characters who change the balance of power quite a lot, like Voldemort.

Characters as bad as Voldemort:

  • Magneto – X-Men
  • HAL 9000 – 2001: A Space Adventure
  • Hannibal Lecter – The Silence of the Lambs
  • Pennywise – It
  • Hela – Thor: Ragnarok
  • Darth Vader – Star Wars
  • Sauron – Lord of the Rings
  • Thanos – Avengers: Infinity War
  • Sheev Palpatine – Star Wars
  • Freddy Krueger – A Nightmare on Elm Street

His evil comes from his manipulative abilities: Magneto – X-Men

While Erik Lehnsherr only has the ability to control metals, he uses his ability much better than he does with Voldemort’s powers. In fact, his strength in this area is actually stronger than Voldemort’s in general.

Magneto, aside from his true talent, has the charisma and skill that will make people join him because they believe in him. to manipulative abilities kind of bad guy. When Voldemort’s Death Eaters are not with Voldemort most of the time, there is always someone next to Magneto.

A villain who questions technology: HAL 9000 – 2001: A Space Odyssey

HAL 9000

In theory, HAL 9000, the evil computer system of the Discovery One spacecraft, is Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey worst character in the movie. a man-made computer As a human being, questioning his decisions and opposing him forces the other characters in the movie to fight for life and death in the vacuum of space. Kubrick, who is known as one of the geniuses of cinema history. in 1968 The villain in this movie he shot pushes the audience to question today’s technologies.

They didn’t stay in the movie, they shot the TV series: Hannibal Lecter – The Silence of the Lambs

Hannibal Lecter

The Silence of the Lambs is one of the scariest movies in the world. The biggest reason for this is Anthony Hopkins, who plays the main character Hannibal Lecter. Playing a sophisticated cannibal in the movie, Anthony Hopkins acted so realistically that he was credited for this performance. Oscar award took.

The movie and the character bloodcurdling And impressively, 2 movies and a TV series were made after The Silence of the Lambs.

One of the most powerful beings in his universe: Pennywise – It


Pennywise the clown versions of both Tim Curry and Bill Skarsgård are perfect for any kid or adult the possibility of having nightmares for years owner. All three films address the fact that Pennywise is not what he seems.

Pennywise is actually an ancient primordial villain that has existed since the beginning of time. This evil, called IT, is so terrifying that the human brain cannot grasp it. IT, which we see as the dancing clown, is the form this evil takes in the world. However, IT one of the most powerful beings in his universe somebody.

This time, our evil is the true brother of the good: Hela – Thor: Ragnarok


Voldemort’s ultimate goal was to rule the world and live forever. However, Hela, whom we see in Thor: Ragnarok, is a character who can defeat even death. While Voldemort is just a wizard, Hela is a god; as well as Asgard’s most fearsome god.

Hela, daughter of Odin, expelled from the realm for being too dangerous and within days of his release, he single-handedly destroyed all of Asgard.

There is good in every bad: Darth Vader – Star Wars

Darth Vader

Tom Riddle is one of the most talented wizards ever. While mages aren’t exactly found in the Star Wars universe, the closest equivalent they have is Jedi and Sith.

Even after Anakin Skywalker succumbed to the dark side of the force and lost half of his physical body, both have supernatural abilities He seems a little stronger than Lord Voldemort in terms of power when he is and in the empire.

Another villain of the fantasy world: Sauron – The Lord of the Rings


Harry Potter is undoubtedly one of the best and most successful magical fantasy stories of all time. However, when it comes to a magical fantasy world, JK Rowling’s characters are unfortunately not strong enough to compete with JRR. Tolkien’s Sauron, his main enemy in the Lord of the Rings universeUndoubtedly one of the strongest villains in the history of cinema.

Sauron was one of the first beings to exist in his world, and This dark lord of MordorHe was much closer to being a god than an elf, hobbit, or any other living being that inhabited their land.

He destroyed the entire world with the snap of a finger: Thanos – Avengers: Infinity War


Even before Thanos formed his infinity gauntlet, he was arguably much stronger than Lord Voldemort. Like so many heroes and villains in the MCU, Thanos own super powers There is, but what really makes him such a threat in front of the glove is his army. In terms of real-life destruction, the number of people Lord Voldemort has killed doesn’t even hold a candle to the damage Thanos has done.

When Thanos achieves the near impossible and After collecting all the infinity stonesIt’s literally the end of the universe. Or the end of half the universe. Voldemort, on the other hand, never came close to what Thanos did with just a snap of his finger.

Captured the galaxy with a single move: Sheev Palpatine – Star Wars

Sheev Palpatine

When it comes to the villain who can beat all other villains, Sheev Palpatine is pretty tough to beat. Chancellor Palpatine played every card absolutely right, and he in sight managed to do. He succeeded in fulfilling Lord Voldemort’s dream when Palpatine destroyed the entire Jedi order and took over the galaxy in one blow.

Palpatine has powers to rival Voldemort, but what makes him a truly extraordinary threat is that every power and ability is full and complete. with its darkest potential have the brain to use it.

Maybe you can escape from a bad person, but what about in your sleep?: Freddy Krueger – A Nightmare on Elm Street

Freddy Kruger

When it comes to creating a scary movie villain, writers are constantly looking for new angles and interesting twists to capitalize on the kind of horror most people would never think of. This one of the brightest examples one is Freddy Krueger.

One of the most powerful horror movie villains of all time, Freddy Krueger’s feature is that he’s an unavoidable character. People can get a chance to escape any bad guy but no one can escape from sleep. This character, who hunts people in his dreams, is on our list of worst movie characters because of his inevitability.

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