A new world record was set with the hypercar Koenigsegg Regera. The 0-400-0 km/h test attempt was completed in just 28.81 seconds. The previous holder of the record was Rimac Nevera, who won the title a month ago. Nevera completed the same process in 29.94 seconds.
In a news we shared with you about a month ago, Rimac Nevera because the car named broke 23 speed records in one day. we talked about. One of those records was 0-400-0 km/h. The supercar completed the test in just 29.94 seconds. However, Rimac Nevera could not hold this record for long. New record holder Koenigsegg Regera it happened.
Taking the runway at Örebro Airport in Sweden, the Koenigsegg Regera accelerated from 0 to 400 km/h and then came to a complete stop. All this just in 28.81 seconds completed. As such, the new owner of the record was Koenigsegg Regera. Regera managed to beat Nevera by 1.13 seconds.
Introducing the new king of the roads, Koenigsegg Regera!
The Koenigsegg Regera, which we had the chance to meet for the first time in 2015, is a real supercar. In the vehicle, an internal combustion engine is accompanied by 3 electric motors. in total 1500 horsepower Even the electric motors of the car have 700 horsepower. Let’s also mention that the twin-turbo V8 engine of the vehicle can produce 1280 Nm of torque. The Koenigsegg Regera is a much faster machine than any car you’ve ever seen. So far only 80 pieces produced Regera last delivered in 2022.
Brutal Durability Test of Koenigsegg Regera, One of the World’s Fastest Sports Cars!
You can watch the footage of the world record broken with the Koenigsegg Regera below:
But there is one car that will surpass the Koenigsegg Regera: Koenigsegg Jesko Absolut!
Koenigsegg has been working on a car called “Jesko Absolut” for several years. from warplanes This hypercar, designed with inspiration, will go down in history as the fastest car of the brand to date. Equipped with an unprecedented 1600 hp engine, the car is, according to estimates, 500km/h you can see the speed. We’ll hear Regera’s record broken when the brand runs the same test as Jesko Absolut. However, it is unclear when this will happen.
For detailed information about Koenigsegg Jesko Absolut:
Koenigsegg Introduces Jesko Absolut, Its Fastest Car Ever
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