Zuckerberg and Meta are in trouble!

dealing with a series of scandals late last year Mark ZuckerbergMeta shares are facing 24% depreciation. While there was a year in which the number of users on Facebook did not increase, this loss was approximately $230 billion caused a loss.

There was a lot of talk about the emergence of Facebook’s correspondence about affecting the mental health of young users and the establishment of Meta company. On Thursday, there was the most account deletion crisis in Facebook history. Here are 4 reasons Zuckerberg’s Meta is in trouble.

Meta announced its income report: Facebook is losing blood!

According to Meta’s 2021 fourth quarter revenue report, Facebook’s daily active users dropped by 1 million.

4 reasons Zuckerberg and Facebook Meta are in trouble!

Mark Zuckerberg didn’t have a very good year last year. However, it is very difficult to say that this year will be easy for the company. The question marks in people’s minds about the definition of Meta are not over yet. However, the company started to make huge losses. Here are 4 reasons Zuckerberg is in trouble with Facebook and Meta.

Facebook, has come to the end of its enormous growth. Social networking application increased approximately in the fourth quarter compared to the previous quarter. Half a million users lost. This is for the company in its 18-year history. first drop it happened. Meta’s quarterly user growth rate was also the slowest in at least three years. Meta’s executives have yet to generate significant revenue. So, he chose a way to increase his revenues on WhatsApp, but that didn’t work out well either.

Apple last monthApplication Monitoring Transparency” updated. It allowed him to choose whether to allow apps like Facebook to monitor his online activities. With many users disabling it, Facebook has less data. The company started to make more losses as it moved in the right direction with less data and less advertisements.

Facebook now gives advertisers less visibility into user behavior. That’s why companies now Started to prefer Google over Facebook. Unlike Meta, Google is not heavily dependent on Apple for user data.

backed by China TikTok, in a short time Reached more than 1 billion users. Meta cloned TikTok with its Instagram Reels feature. Zuckerberg claimed in a statement that Reels is currently the #1 engagement tool across the app. Although it attracts a lot of users’ influence, it is obvious that it does not make as much money as stories and the main stream.

It is a matter of curiosity for everyone how Mark Zuckerberg and his company Meta will solve this decline both on the user side and financially.

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