Ziraat Portfolio Establishes Metaverse and New Technologies Fund

Ziraat Portfolio is creating a new fund that offers customers the opportunity to enter the metaverse and new technologies.

Ziraat Portfolio Metaverse and New Technologies Variable Fund’s goal is to to their customers through tools that enable them to invest in these areas. generate income it will be.

The fund will be managed by Ziraat Portföy Yönetimi A.Ş. and the custody of the fund by Ziraat Bank. to be expelled on May 9 Waiting.

At least 80 percent of the total value of the fund; Shares of companies operating in the field of metaverse and new technologies, lease certificates, debt instruments, American Depositary Receipts, Global Depositary Receipts.

These will include domestic mutual funds that allow investing in these areas, as well as domestic and foreign exchange traded fund participation shares.

The fund to be established by Ziraat Portfolio will be on a 7-degree scale, in which the risk and potential return level increase as you go up.6 degrees will have a risk and return profile.

The fund will be able to invest in futures contracts, options, gold transactions and other instruments to increase the expected return, hedge against risks or for a different investment.

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