YouTube’s New Design Started to Be Tested Again

Google has once again begun testing the controversial design it created for YouTube. The new design was tested in recent months and was removed due to negative comments.

US-based technology giant Google has been working on YouTube, the world’s most popular online video platform, for a while now. a new design working on it. In fact, this new design was introduced to a small number of users in recent months. However, users said that the new design “they hated“. In this case, Google has prepared its new design for YouTube. had withdrawn.

But now, an unexpected move has come from Google. YouTube’s much-discussed design has been criticized by users started to appear again. The company did not make a statement on the issue, but more users trying to get feedback looks like.

This is what YouTube’s new design will be like

Users in YouTube’s new design a larger viewing area They will encounter. The title and description section of the video will be shifted to the right side of the screen. This section will also host the comments made on the video. Just below the video recommended videos section will be included.


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The fate of YouTube’s new design not clear yet. The company made no statement on the subject. Users like the new design they continue to criticize. Let’s see if Google will listen to the user’s voice or will it do its own thing…

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