YouTuber who jumped out of plane as soon as his plane engine stopped

One of the YouTubers who want to be watched came up with an interesting job. An adventurer named Trevor Jacob took off shortly after his plane took off and the engine of his plane stopped. Jacob immediately jumped out of the plane and embarked on an adventure of survival.

We can encounter people who do extremely stupid things to gain views and subscribers on social media. Recently, a new one has joined these people. with 127K subscribers on YouTube Trevor Jacob An adventurer namedI crashed my planeHe shared a video titled ” and indeed he shot down his plane. But the way it was dropped caused a great deal of controversy.

Trevor, who jumped on a 1940 Taylorcraft model plane on November 24, was shooting a video to share his short journey. But during its journey, the plane’s engine suddenly stopped mysteriously. Trevor, on the other hand, instead of making a safe landing at a suitable place, despite the altitude and the capabilities of the aircraft he uses. He took the camera and decided to jump out of the plane..

When the engine stopped, it was necessary to jump out of the plane immediately:

Trevor, who gave advice to all pilots to ‘fly with a parachute’ in his video, took off by jumping on his plane and started his journey. His plane’s engine stalled over a mountainous area shortly after takeoff. Trevor mysteriously found the plane turned off on takeoff as soon as the engine stopped, and before the engine stopped. appears to be open He jumped out of the gate with a parachute.

That his plane requires landing at a very low speed (56 kilometers per hour), it can also hang in the air at low speed and for a while even if the engine is not running. who don’t think they can glide to a safe zone Our pilot left the plane with a parachute through the door and a camera in hand. After that, of course, the plane crashed into the mountains.

  • ♫ I’ll take my selfie stick and collect it ♫

Trevor went to the plane after landing. Then he embarked on a short survival adventure. Trevor, who said he had nothing with him, but took a parachute in case I fell, found water to make his way down the riverbed and drink. In the dark, he came across a vehicle passing through the middle of the forest area and jumped into the vehicle, and the adventure of the small fall came to an end.


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The US Federal Aviation Administration is also about the 1940 Taylorcraft plane that crashed in the video. started an investigation explained. Trevor, on the other hand, got the views he wanted so much and had his video watched by more than 500 thousand people. The comment section of the video sponsored by a ‘wallet’ is closed.

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