Yemeksepeti May Dismiss Media Speakers

While the actions of Yemeksepeti couriers demanding better wages continue, a striking claim came from the employees today. Some Yemeksepeti employees stated that the company changed the disciplinary regulation and that even contacting the press was considered a reason for dismissal.

While the cost of living continues to increase in Turkey, protests started in many workplaces at the beginning of 2022 due to low wage hikes. While the situation is getting better in Migros and Trendyol, which are not on the agenda especially with courier actions, at Yemeksepeti The actions that started at the beginning of the year are still continuing.

According to new allegations made by Yemeksepeti employees, the company signed a controversial decision after the actions. According to the shared information, Yemeksepeti in the discipline regulation went to change. This change ‘almost banned even talking’, according to employees. Moreover contact the press considered as the reason for dismissal expressed. The statements made by some Yemeksepeti employees to Birgün on the subject were as follows:

“Even breathing is a crime”

Barış Comrade from Yemeksepeti employees, measures have been taken to prevent employees from breathing. He stated that a report was kept about them. In addition to Yoldaş, another Yemeksepeti employee, who did not share his name, explained the change in the disciplinary regulation as follows:

“The change was made with the date of March 1, 2022. According to the regulation, which contains hundreds of articles, even breathing of employees on payroll has started to be considered a crime. For example, giving information or a statement about the company, even to any media organ, is grounds for termination. to be counted started. While there are three main headings in the disciplinary regulation: warning, reprimand and termination of employment contract, from 1 March the road to termination of employment contract has been shortened. In addition, there are many topics left to the initiative of the managers.”

It is said that no Yemeksepeti executives have contacted:

Another Yemeksepeti employee, Can Yaşar, has so far been concerned about wage improvement. that no responsible person has contacted them suggested. Yaşar, who was given a boycott of Yemeksepeti up to 80% decrease in orders He also stated that the change in payment methods also led to a decrease in orders.


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