Xiaomi aims to become the #1 smartphone brand

Chinese manufacturer Xiaomiaims to be the number 1 smartphone brand in the world. This may seem a little strange because the company also produces smart home appliances on a large scale, apart from smartphones. The company has recently managed to get even closer to this goal it has set for itself.

Xiaomi Civi bloody live viewed

The Xiaomi Civi model, whose almost all technical features and promotional images were leaked, was displayed in blood.

Xiaomi founder Lei Jun: “Everyone needs to be patient”

The company has done well in the smartphone market lately. Top in many markets around the world. Most importantly, in the Indian market Xiaomi has been the number one smartphone manufacturer for several years in a row. It is stated that the Indian market is the largest after China, so the Indian market is very important for Xiaomi.

Founder of the company and CEO of Lei JunAccording to , the company is confident in setting a big goal. He stated that the company’s goal is to become the number one mobile phone brand in the world. Also, Lei Jun said, “Everyone needs to be patient, as there are always setbacks in entrepreneurship and innovation.”

Xiaomi’s goal is only to reach the top of the smartphone market not to climb, also there stay long wants. According to analysts, one of the most important steps the company should take is to simplify the names of their phones. According to some reports, Xiaomi’s success in many markets is due to US sanctions on Huawei.

According to analysts, if the company wants to achieve such a goal, it should increase its advertising budget and especially in the US market agreements with operators. While doing all this, it will have to make balanced pricing in the new markets it will open. Otherwise, his adventure in that market may be short-lived.

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