Xbox Servers of Legacy CoD Games Reactivated

We haven’t been able to do online battles for a while in the big hit games of a period such as Modern Warfare 2, Black Ops 2. As a plus of the Microsoft – Activision Blizzard merger, these games started to be accessed from Xbox servers again.

The place of Call of Duty, especially the past games, in our lives is always a little different. This game series, developed by Activision, is among the most special series in the game world and is still one of the games that are remembered even after years. Of course, we haven’t been able to play old CoD games online for a long time as these games are getting old and new ones are constantly being replaced.

But for Xbox players, that seems to have changed. Many classics such as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2(2009), Call of Duty Black Ops 2 have become playable online on Xbox consoles. The “matchmaking” feature, which players love to play, is now playable by Xbox players. There has been no official statement on this matter, but it is thought to be related to the lawsuit process with the FTC in the effort of Xbox owner Microsoft to buy Activision.

Microsoft won the lawsuit against the FTC in the Activision Blizzard acquisition.

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