Xbox Game Pass Might Be Raised

Xbox Game Pass, which is the last bastion of gamers and we are thankful that it has not been increased for a long time, seems to be going up soon. Microsoft began to show a warning on its website, foreshadowing the hike…

Türkiye prices of games 1.500 TL levels While it has become the new standard, Xbox’s Game Pass service, which hosts hundreds of games, still hasn’t seen a raise. But that may change very soon…

What made us think of this possibility was a small warning added to the purchase page of Xbox Game Pass. For current prices for Game Pass purchases from Turkey, MicrosoftThe offer will expire in 19 days” began to include the expression.

Warning, which is considered as a hint to the increase in the purchase of Xbox Game Pass:

Microsoft will ensure that the charges will be reduced if subscriptions are not cancelled.based on regular price and specified timeframeHe said he will continue. Here, the hike theory gets stronger because of the “normal price” and “time frame” here. Because this warning means that today’s prices are not “regular prices”.

Another detail that reveals the possibility of a raise is the display of the same time limit for all users. You know; Xbox Game Pass will renew on the day of the month you purchased the subscription. However, in the warning that we shared the screenshot above, the same day limit is shown to all users. To find out if prices have been updated when that day comes Do not forget to visit Webtekno.

If you want to guarantee your job whether the raise comes or not, you can subscribe to Game Pass. You can extend it up to 36 months at current prices. In order to apply the method we describe in the video below, it is enough to have an ongoing subscription. (Although the method of extending the Game Pass subscription is valid for a maximum of 36 months, some users may encounter obstacles earlier.)

You can try the method we explained in the video below to extend the Game Pass subscription before the raise.

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