X (Twitter) is paid for new users!

Popular social media platform twitter or under its new name XYou can share, comment and follow others for free on . However, according to recent developments, this situation is coming to an end. so that X, there is a fee. Here are the details…

XWith an update on ‘s help pages, it was revealed that the platform will charge new members for basic interactions. According to this pricing model, users will need to pay 1 dollar to share, respond to posts, like and save. In fact, this system was already being tested in New Zealand and the Philippines. Now it appears to be getting wider coverage.

XThe update made on ‘s help pages became the subject of discussion on social media. Following this, the company’s Chief Executive Officer and CTO Elon MuskWith the post he shared on his official account, he confirmed that this application will be activated to block bot accounts. Muskstated that artificial intelligence tools were able to pass the bot test.

X's (Twitter) new feature is available for more users!

X’s (Twitter) new feature is available for more users!

X (Twitter) has rolled out its new Passkey feature globally. So what does this innovation do? Here are the details…

XAlthough ‘s plan to charge new members for the purpose of blocking bot accounts is considered reasonable by some users, the majority do not think the same. In fact, this system is currently implemented on some social media platforms. However Elon Musk‘of XConsidering that it is trying to attract more users to , it seems that this decision of the company will not be on the agenda for a while.

So what do you think about this issue? What do you think XIs , a platform worth paying $1 to use? You can share your opinions with us in the Comments section below.

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