World’s Largest Plant Discovered: Exactly 178 Kilometers!

Australian scientists made an unexpected discovery while conducting a research on seagrass. All of the seagrass they studied had the same genetics, meaning that the grasses they studied were actually part of a single plant.

Famous for its giant spiders and many strange creatures that look like they came out of a science fiction movie, Australia recently hosted a discovery that renewed its reputation. Australian scientists in Shark Bay, Western Australia world’s largest discovered the plant.

This seagrass, which is only a few meters under the sea, shocked scientists as a result of the investigations. The aim of scientists examining a community of seagrass is actually this community. how much genetic diversity it has was to find. But what they found led them astray.

The entire seagrass community is actually a single plant

Scientists discovered that the seagrass community in the photo above has only one genetics, that is, a single plant. The community consisted of a single plant named ‘Posidonia australis’. First time It took root about 4,500 years ago. The predicted plant also had an unimaginable length: Exactly 178.6 kilometers.

The discovered plant also aroused curiosity about how a plant survived for so long. Scientists have been studying this plant for thousands of years now. how it evolved despite all the changing conditions He announced that they would start investigating his survival. The data to be obtained will also be of great importance for the future of seagrass, which is one of the creatures that will be most affected by climate change.


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