World Giant Buying BTC and ETH Adds This NFT Token Project!

KPGM is a global financial giant. KPMG Canada, which came to the fore with BTC and ETH purchases, recently attracted attention with the purchase of an NFT token project. The giant firm continues its crypto investments by acquiring World of Women NFT. Detail‘in.

World giant bought NFT token

“Once we go through the process, we are well positioned to guide our clients in creating a corporate NFT strategy,” KPMG said. KPMG’s Canadian branch has purchased a non-tradable token (NFT) from the World of Women collection, which represents the global accounting firm’s investment in digital collectibles, the company announced on Monday. A company spokesperson said that NFT Woman #2681 was purchased on February 13 for 25 ETH before being transferred to a separate wallet. The company also announced that it owns kpmgca.eth, the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) domain used to make wallet addresses easier to use. The move comes after the firm announced in early February that it had added Ether (ETH) and Bitcoin (BTC) to its balance sheet.

KPMG Canada adds crypto to its balance sheet

The consulting giant said the driving force of the NFT acquisition is to better communicate how it advises clients looking to enter the space. Benjie Thomas, managing partner of KPMG Canada, said in a press release:

NFTs are the foundation for innovation through the secure digitization of assets while unlocking a new channel for organizations to interact with their customers. Now that we’ve gone through the process, we’re in a good position to guide our clients in creating a corporate NFT strategy, including the acquisition and protection of NFTs.

Weekly NFT Token Review: Highlights!

World of Women has seen a meteoric rise to the top of the NFT charts since its launch in November, with a base price of 8.5 ETH (roughly $24,000) on its secondary marketplace OpenSea. The project benefited greatly from the promotion of actress Reese Witherspoon, whom media company Hello Sunshine partnered with the project in February. KPMG isn’t the first corporate giant to fake its splashy NFT acquisitions. Last year, Visa made headlines by purchasing a CryptoPunk NFT for $150,000. The base of the CryptoPunks collection is currently $193,000.

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