World Famous Company Added These 6 Altcoin Projects To Its Basket!

World-renowned brokerage company Interactive Brokers has added 6 more altcoins to its basket. The new cryptocurrencies and services come in partnership with Paxos, a financial institution and technology company specializing in blockchain.

Interactive Brokers adds 6 more altcoins to its basket

Interactive Brokers announced on August 8 that it is expanding its cryptocurrency trading tools. The world-famous company, which manages a $ 300 billion fund, is collaborating with Paxos, which specializes in Blockchain. Thanks to the partnership, the following cryptocurrencies of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash are also added to the list.

  • Uniswap (UNI)
  • Chainlink (LINK)
  • Chainlink (LINK)
  • Pax Dollar (USDP)
  • PAX Gold (PAXG)

Customers can now hold both USD and cryptocurrencies in their Paxos accounts. It will also be possible to transact 24/7 through an upgraded online application provided by the Paxos Trust Company. Steve Sanders, vice president of marketing and product development at Interactive Brokers, says these cutting-edge tools will “give our clients a simple and cost-effective option to access the crypto market at any time.”

Interactive Brokers offers more affordable transactions than Coinbase and Gemini

Interactive Brokers clients trading with Paxos will pay a commission ranging from 0.12% to 0.1% of the transaction value, with a minimum fee of $1.75 per transaction. The new service is more affordable than several existing cryptocurrency exchanges like Coinbase and Gemini, both of which charge 1.49% trading fees for market orders.

Great Activity: This Altcoin Is Quickly Withdrawing From Exchanges!

Paxos partnership on September 13, 2021 made Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash transactions possible for Interactive Brokers customers. UNI, LINK, MATIC, AAVE, USDP are the latest cryptocurrencies added to Interactive Brokers’ list.

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