World Bank President criticizes Microsoft – Activision deal

Microsoft recently announced that Activision Blizzard company $68.7 billion announced that it will buy The acquisition, which is expected to be completed by 2023, made a sound in the gaming world. With this move of the technology giant, it is estimated that it will become the third largest game company in the world after Tencent and Sony.

Aiming to prevent poverty by providing financial opportunities such as loans to countries in need, World Bank President David Malpass made a statement regarding Microsoft’s Activision move. Malpass is such a big deal at a time when many countries of the world are grappling with debt and poverty. do not approve stated.

Will Microsoft release Activision games to PlayStation? Here is the explanation

The acquisition of Activision by a giant like Microsoft shook the world. The first statement came from Xbox boss Phil Spencer.

More than the last budget of the International Development Association

World Bank President David Malpass gave a speech at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. According to the information conveyed by Reuters, Malpass is the company that Microsoft is considering to buy Activision Blizzard. $68.7 billionHe compared it to the budget allocated by wealthy countries to help poor countries.

Malpass is what Microsoft paid to own Activision Blizzard. of $68.7 billion, wealthy countries agreed to donate to the World Bank’s International Development Association over the next three years from $23.5 billion noted to be significantly higher.

The money paid to Activison, which includes popular games such as Call of Duty and Warcraft, is inaccessible to poor countries. to the bond market Emphasizing that he will go, David Malpass said, “You have to question: Is this the best allocation of capital?” expressed his concerns.

“Money needs to flow to developing countries”

David Malpass, who has been the president of the World Bank since 2019, said that with this agreement, the rich will get richer and donate money to more poor countries said it should. “More money needs to flow to developing countries so we can solve refugee flows and other problems,” Malpass said.

What do you guys think about the World Bank President’s statement? Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comment area below.

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