Works of İrfan Önürmen in New York as NFT

The new generation artworks created with tulle layers by Turkish painter İrfan Önürmen, who is regarded as one of the pioneers of contemporary art, are on display in New York. The works will also be available for sale as NFT digitally.

Thanks to NFT technology, which means Non-Fungible Token or Qualified Intellectual Deed in Turkish, a digital entity can belong to a person just like in real life. When this technology meets contemporary art, which is one of the most popular movements of our time, works are evaluated not only in real life but also in digital media. Of course, when NFT is mentioned, Refik Anadol, which sells for $5.1 million, comes to mind.

However, there is another name representing Turkey in this field: İrfan Önürmen. The works of Painter Önürmen, who produces contemporary works of art in layers with tulle fabric, are therefore quite different from conventional works. Symbols from the artist’s contemporary popular culture; In particular, bearing traces of our social media habits and behavior in the digital environment, NFTulle collectionwill be exhibited in New York.

The artist’s NFTulle project, which will begin on display in New York on May 12, will feature only 150 original NFT artworks:

NFT works in the exhibition, which is expected to be visited by art lovers from all over the world, at the C24 Gallery in New York. over 0.6 ETH will be available for sale. These NFTs to be sold will be the new futures in the continuation of the project. As the most valuable tokens among NFTs will be processed. In other words, the NFT equivalents of the exhibit-specific works are expected to be higher.

Other exhibitions organized by İrfan Önürmen raise expectations for NFTulle:

Standing out with his paintings that focus on the subconscious of the human being, Önürmen has produced several sculptures and portraits that have been presented to art lovers so far. international exhibition performed. The Armory Show in Dubai in 2012, the PULSE and Volta NY exhibitions held in 2013 and again in New York in 2017, respectively, are just a few of them.

İrfan Önürmen, who examines the effects of cultural and social changes on people and adopts a postmodern understanding, tulle, denim, lace, shirt collars, and newsprint He gives life to his works by using everyday objects such as Apart from painting, he also continues his graphic design and wall painting works.

If you can’t visit the NFTulle exhibition in New York to see the works of İrfan Önürmen, you can see his different works. Istanbul Modern MuseumYou can also see them in Thessaloniki Contemporary Arts Museum, Proje 4L Elgiz Contemporary Arts Museum.

Some of the works produced from tulle, brought to life with the NFTulle project, are as follows:

If you like the works, check out İrfan Önürmen’s NFTulle project. twitter and you can follow on Instagram

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