Word shortcuts everyone should know!

Sometimes we need to be fast when working in Word, the most used Microsoft Office program. You may be surprised by the number and variety of keyboard shortcuts you can use, especially to speed up your work. Here are the Word shortcuts everyone should know…

Microsoft Word shortcuts usage areas:

  • Frequently used shortcuts
  • Shortcuts to move the cursor in the document
  • Shortcuts for selecting text and graphics
  • Shortcuts for editing text and graphics
  • Table shortcuts
  • Document review shortcuts
  • Adding icons shortcuts
  • Document outline shortcuts

Microsoft Word is getting the feature that has been awaited for 40 years!Microsoft Word is getting the feature that has been awaited for 40 years!

Microsoft Word is getting the feature that has been awaited for 40 years!

What is the Microsoft Word text-only paste shortcut? Word is finally taking this simple feature as its shortcut.

Frequently used shortcuts

Frequently used Microsoft Word shortcuts are shortcuts that all users should definitely know. Moreover, it turns into a reflex after continuous use. The shortcuts we mentioned are as follows:

Action to be taken Keypad to Press
Open the document Ctrl+O
Create a new document Ctrl+N
Saving the Document Ctrl+S
Close the document Ctrl+W
Cutting the selected text Ctrl+X
Copying the selected text Ctrl+C
Pasting the selected text Ctrl+V
Selecting all document content Ctrl+A
Cancel a command esc
Undo last action Ctrl+Z
Open the help screen F1
Open the word search box within a document Ctrl+F
Turn on spelling check F7
Open thesaurus Shift + F7
Open the “Tell me what you want” box Alt+Q

Shortcuts to move the cursor in the document

Document navigation shortcuts:

Action to be taken Keypad to Press
Move the cursor Left and Right Arrow
Move the cursor over the word Ctrl + Left and Ctrl + Right Arrow
Move the cursor between lines Up and Down Arrow
Move the cursor between paragraphs Ctrl + Up and Ctrl + Down Arrow
Move the cursor to the end of the line End Key
Move the cursor to the end of the document Ctrl + End
Move the cursor to the beginning of the line Home Button
Move the cursor to the beginning of the document Ctrl + Home
Switch between multiple pages Page Up and Page Down Keys
Finding the previous or next word after searching Ctrl + Page Up and Ctrl + Page Down
Open the find box F5 Key

Shortcuts for selecting text and graphics

You can use the text and graphics selection shortcuts specifically for editing preset text and graphics.

Action to be taken Keypad to Press
Select text Shift+Arrow keys
Select a word to the left of the cursor Ctrl+Shift+Left arrow key
Select a word to the right of the cursor Ctrl+Shift+Right arrow key
Select from the cursor position to the beginning of the current line Shift+Home
Select from the cursor position to the end of the current line Shift+End
Selecting from the cursor position to the top of the screen Shift+Page up
Selecting from the cursor position to the bottom of the screen Shift+Page down

Shortcuts for editing text and graphics

The text is generally thick, italic and are the shortcut keys used to make underline.

Action to be taken Keypad to Press
Open the Font window Ctrl + D
Make text bold Ctrl + B
Italicize text Ctrl + I
Add underline to text Ctrl + U
Apply double underscore Ctrl + Shift + D
Format text as uppercase Ctrl + Shift + A
Format text in small caps Ctrl + Shift + K
Increase font size Ctrl + Shift +>
Reduce font size Ctrl + Shift + <

Table shortcuts

Table shortcuts will help you find what you’re looking for among complex tables.

Action to be taken Keypad to Press
Move up one line up arrow
Move down one line down arrow
Move up one line Alt+Shift+Up arrow key
Move down one line Alt+Shift+Down arrow key
Go to the first cell in the column Alt+Page up
Go to the last cell in the column Alt+Page down
Go to first cell in a row Alt+Home

Document review shortcuts

These are shortcuts used for operations such as previewing and printing the document.

Action to be taken Keypad to Press
Print document shortcut Ctrl+P
Switch to print preview Ctrl+Alt+I
Navigating the preview page when the document is zoomed in arrow keys
Move forward or back one preview page when zooming out of the document Page Up or Page Down
Go to first preview page when zooming out of document Ctrl+Home
Go to the last preview page when zooming out of the document Ctrl+End

Adding icons shortcuts

With icon adding shortcuts, you can easily access frequently used icons, especially for official correspondence, and save time.

Action to be taken Keypad to Press
Add a copyright symbol Alt + Ctrl + C
Add a registered trademark symbol Alt + Ctrl + R
Add a trademark symbol Alt + Ctrl + T
Adding continuous spaces Ctrl + Shift + Space
Adding a non-breaking hyphen Ctrl + Shift + hyphen (-)
Add an optional em dash Alt + Ctrl + dash (-)
Add an optional hyphen Ctrl + hyphen (-)

Document outline shortcuts

You can find and edit what you are looking for much more easily in a text you have created or prepared with outline editing shortcuts. You can use it to check the outline and edit after text creation.

Action to be taken Keypad to Press
Find headings with the Heading 1 style applied Alt + Shift + 1
Expand or collapse all text or headings Alt + Shift + A
Edit the line insertion point Alt + Shift + Up/Down Arrow
Bring the outline to standard format Ctrl + Shift + N
Make paragraph format previews Alt + Shift + Left/Right Arrow
Show first line Alt + Shift + L

We have listed the shortcuts that will enable you to use Microsoft Word in the most efficient way, like an expert. Shortcut keys vary between keyboards or the Fn key must be used before use. You should still try it on a sample text.

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