Winter Is Coming For Cryptocurrencies!

Apparently cryptocurrencies A new patience trial period will be entered for Because all over the world markets in a similar situation… It is wobbly… The reason is simple actually…

World economies had entered a process where money was ibadullah, party is over like… This fortunate period of time that has never been seen in history has come to an end.

The headache experienced on the morning of the party appeared before us as inflation. money is minted then it was impossible not to happen… Classic, oh it would be nice if we hadn’t had that last beer…

Countries have to withdraw some of the money they put on the market… One way or another… Too much is worth less. If all of them are too many, this time it is reflected in the purchasing power. Commodity prices This is the reason for the increase.

Unimaginable numbers… In real markets, around the world in US currency 38 trillion dollars there is. These are the coins that are stored in all physical and bank accounts… So those that actually exist…

Investing, derivatives and cryptocurrencies If we add this, it will exceed 1.2 quadrillion dollars in total… Since there is no such value, the direction taken an inevitable fix…

of course inflation will rise. This rice will hold more water.

What about Turkey? No one came to us or gave us a glass of water… We are still waiting under the sun in 40 degrees heat… The bus does not stop at this stop…

Billionaires' Altcoin Choices

The Risk Increases

Leaving economic theories reason result Let’s get into the relationship. Whenever interest rates rise in America dollar gains value. Risky markets are sold to the hilt. It has always been like this.

Cryptocurrencies It is unlikely that he will get out of this situation alone. On top of that, there are also developments that cannot be ignored… First, the biggest cryptocurrency China, which is one of its markets, has brought bans. Nobody hooked.

Then came the package of US President Joe Biden. In it, cryptocurrency The fact that tax reporting requirement was also included was relatively unappealing.

Cryptocurrency exchanges Just like traditional brokerage firms, it will have to make tax reporting on those who transact. This situation miners will also cover. Inevitably, it will hurt.

Seeing states as rivals to their own currencies, regulations, security problems, government intervention and cyber attacks… Risk, to traditional investments much more than…

There is also the market aspect. Leveraged transactions… Choose what you can choose, 1 vs 50 or 1 vs 100? These state markets unpredictable makes it. small investors bait it does. With every lost money, the investor flees.

These 2 Altcoins Made ATH!

The Dream of Getting Rich Cheap

Alone cryptocurrencies It also has a great advantage over other investment channels. Risk and profit are directly proportional… Its story is plentiful, its front is open, and its future is bright at the same time. Its structure that sells dreams of getting rich very cheaply…

your investments, from individual to corporate right flow should also be included in the work… Giant financial institutions crypto fund efforts to establish it suddenly enlarge the whole market…

Yet obviously first quarter of 2022 for all instruments risky it will be. Old earnings will be searched by candle. It is useful to be careful and reduce the risk.

Investing is not just about money. To research, learn, understand and comprehend is also an investment. The next three months are the best opportunity for this.

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