Windows 11 SE is out? What does it offer?

Microsoft’s school- and student-focused operating system, mostly Chromebook-style Windows 11 SE (School Edition) announced at the event held today. We told you what is Windows 11 SE for you.

What is Windows 11 SE?

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Microsoft has created a new version of Windows 11 designed for students and schools. Windows 11 SE will only ship to low-cost laptops designed for the K-8 classes.

Microsoft was struggling to understand why schools and students were flocking to Chromebooks. The company had previously tried a restricted mode for Windows 10 that focused on apps in the Microsoft Store. However, this restriction was thought to be more useful for end users and schools as there are not enough apps in the Microsoft Store to make sense.

Windows 11 SE takes a different approach to the must-have operating system for schools. This new system, which has emerged, also draws attention with its similarity to Windows 10X before Microsoft’s cancellation. Windows 11 SE will only be available for new low-cost devices and students and academics. Windows 11 SE, Microsoft Edge, Office, and Microsoft’s cloud-based services While it’s optimized for Microsoft apps, it won’t be limited to just Microsoft apps.

In this version, Microsoft has restricted the window editor, which allows you to place applications side by side or in other layouts. Windows 11, which can be arranged in more than two ways, can only be used side by side and with a maximum of two views in this version.

Windows 11’s new Widgets section was removed on SE as it was seen as a distraction in a classroom environment. Microsoft Edge it will also be configured to run Chrome extensions that are turned off by default in Windows 11. Windows 11 SE will also back up documents to OneDrive by default with offline support to make it easier for students to use these Windows 11 SE laptops beyond the classroom.

Microsoft to the training channels of Windows 11 SE laptops expects to arrive later this year and by 2022, as the full training purchase season begins.

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