Will the Russians receive a Cryptocurrency Ban? New Move from Ukraine!

After Russia invaded Ukraine, reactions to this invasion came from the crypto money industry and crypto money donations started to be made to help Ukraine.

Seeing the power of the crypto money industry, Vice President of Ukraine Mykhailo Fedorov, in his post on his Twitter account, demanded the freezing of the accounts of not only the country’s officials, but also all Russian investors, from cryptocurrency exchanges.

Acting in this context, the Ukrainian government is preparing to make a legal request to crypto exchanges to freeze the accounts of Russian citizens, according to The Block.

Speaking to The Block, Yulia Parkhomenko, head of the virtual assets expert group at the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, said that the call made by Mykhailo Fedorov will take legal status.

Because, to the call made by Vice President Mykhailo Fedorov, Kraken CEO responded by stating “that our Russian customers cannot freeze their accounts without a legal obligation” and Binance will not “unilaterally freeze the accounts of millions of innocent users”.

Making a statement on this subject, Yulia Parkhomenko said:

“We plan to file legal requests to cryptocurrency exchanges to freeze the accounts of Russian citizens, we are preparing letters on this subject.”

When asked if it was right to target all Russian citizens, especially Russian citizens who oppose the war, Parkhomenko replied:This is a necessary precaution. There is no way to determine who is financing the war and who is not.” said.

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