Will Smith Slaps Oscar Host Chris Rock

The 94th Oscar Awards, held tonight, witnessed a moment that will go down in history. Actor Will Smith literally slapped Oscar Awards host Chris Rock after a joke he made about his ex-wife. The incident has been brought to the fore all over the world.

The Oscar Awards ceremony, which was held for the 94th time this year, officially determined the best productions of 2021, and it was also the place where a completely different event took place. Winner of the Best Actor Oscar at the ceremony where Dune: Planet of the Desert won 10 Oscars. Will Smithto Chris Rock, host of the awards ceremony verbal and physical assault found.

The Oscar Awards, which has been burning with the loss of ratings in recent years, and which made everyone speechless at the Golden Globes ceremony in 2020, even Ricky Gervais was discussed as the presenter, came to the fore all over the world with an event that is not understood whether it was a script or not. Host Chris Rock made a joke about Will Smith’s ex-wife Jada Pinkett Smith’s hair and said: He got an unexpected reaction from Will Smith.

Will Smith slapped host Chris Rock:

50-year-old actress Jada Pinkett Smith suffers from hair loss, while Chris Rock made fun of Pinkett’s baldness at the awards ceremony looking forward to the next “GI Jane” told. Demi Moore, star of the 1997 original GI Jane, a specially trained soldier with hair size 3. it was enlivening. After this joke, Will Smith took the stage and slapped Chris Rock.

After Will Smith’s slap, Chris Rock continued his presentation and said, “Wow.. Will Smith slapped me badly.” used the phrases. Meanwhile, Will Smith, returning to his seat, turned to Rock and said,Don’t say my wife’s name to that s…” yell. rock,I was just making a GI Jane joke.” Will Smith repeated, raising his voice again. Rock on stage after the discussion “It was the biggest night in television history” used the phrases.

He apologized on stage.

will smith

Will Smith, who took the stage to receive the Oscar Award minutes later, apologized for his behavior. The reality of the event began to be questioned by all the audience watching the ceremony. While the incident continues to be debated, the Academy has awarded Will Smith the Oscar for his behavior, according to the New York Post. may take a recall decision.


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