Why You Shouldn’t Put Your Wet Phone in Rice

It is widely believed that laying a wet phone in rice prevents water damage to the phone. But forget what you know now… Because in his opinion this is not a very good idea.

When an electronic device gets wet, the first thing we all do is run for rice. There may be times when you actually see the benefit of it, but some people think that it just dries out because it’s been standing still for a long time. rice has no contribution towards.

According to some, even more harm than good there is. Even on Apple’s own support site, one of the do’s and don’ts when the phone gets wet is to put it in rice. So what harm could this do, and what can we do instead?

Placing your phone in rice could do more harm than good to it.

When your phone is wet; applying a heat to it, wiping it with a cotton handkerchief, trying to wipe with a swab or investing in rice is one of the things you should not do.

Things like cotton swabs and towels/tissues contain lint and dust. This is the internal parts of the device. more contaminants why could it be. So far everything makes sense. So what harm can rice do?

In fact, rice will damage your phone for the same reasons as cotton swabs and handkerchiefs.

water got on my phone

As in a cotton swab or cloth; found in rice starch and small pieces, It can easily get into your phone. This could result in greater damage.

Maybe you’ve tried it before and seen the benefits, but it’s all about your phone. standing in one place for a long time It could be related to the drying of the phone or it’s just your lucky day and your phone didn’t have anything brassy in it.

So what should we do instead of investing in rice?

wet phone

If a significant amount of water has spilled inside your phone, the first thing you should do is to remove the excess liquid. with the charging part facing down should be tapped lightly with your hand. Next, you should remove all cables and accessories of your device and turn off your phone and wait for it to dry.

During this time, you should not use any charger other than the wireless charger. If you want to speed up the process without much pressure and blowing cold You can hold a fan to your phone. This process is both faster and less risky than putting it in rice.

Also, there are some apps you can download to remove water from your phone. These, at a frequency that has the power to push the water inside It sends vibrations, giving your speaker a high-pitched sound and allowing water to come out.


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