Why Were Europeans Fond of Pointed Shoes in the Middle Ages?

Medieval Europe is known for its diverse traditions that are hard to believe. Although their unusual habits seem quite strange now, they were very popular at the time. Just like his pointy toe shoes.

The Middle Ages period hosted these dark and interesting habits. Clothing and clothing were more important than almost anything else. For them, what they wore and what they wore was a detail that required great attention.

Well, Europeans in the Middle Ages, Why was he so fond of these pointy-toed shoes?

These shoes, one of the most ridiculous and striking trends of the Middle Ages, were called “crakow” or “poulaine”.

around 1340 Shoes: An Illustrated History According to Rebecca Shawcross, author of the book, these shoes, in Krakow, a city in Poland had emerged. At that time, everyone who could afford to buy shoes preferred Crakows.

The longer the toe of the shoes The reputation of the wearer was also high. Again, for the leading figures of Medieval Europe, cracows were a symbol rather than a temporary fashion trend.

Especially prestigious and rich men used these shoes to reveal their social status and wealth to the public. These shoes, with absurdly long toes, were quite expensive and It hindered the physical activities of the wearers.

For this reason, crakows are not only the symbol of prestige and wealth; It was also a sign of leisure, luxury and lack of effort.

pointy toe shoes

The tip of these shoes He could not stand upright without any support. In order to keep the crakows upright, the shoemakers of the age; He used soft materials such as feathers, moss or wool.

Shoes that were not stuffed would have loose and droopy toes. Additionally, nose lengths vary, striking patterns on some was found.

On the other hand, in the conditions of Crakow at that time, He also had a sexual attraction.. Folding the shoes to show the colorful socks covering the ankles was a very attractive detail at the time.

In this period when clothing lengths are getting shorter and young men are not afraid to show off their legs, these ankle-less shoes are It would make your legs look longer and highlight them.

Most of the crakows that have survived to the present day were made from depth.

pointy toe shoes

But Medieval Europeans also used all the fabric they could find to make these shoes. The uppermost layers of society, shoeswith silk, velvet and embellished fabrics He would equip it. In addition, cracows were sometimes painted by hand and sometimes decorated with intricate patterns.

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