Why Was FTT Taken? Will there be a sale? – Cryptokoin.com

The feud between Sam Bankman-Fried and Changpeng Zhao, CEOs of FTX and Binance, was devastating for the entire market. Now, new reports reveal that the CEO of FTX sought bailout funds from different sources before settling with Binance.

Secret notes sent by Binance CEO to his employees revealed

According to the Financial Times, Binance CEO CZ shared his concerns with his team before buying the rival exchange. In a memo to his employees, he stated that the acquisition could attract more control to exchanges. According to CZ, this move will pose a major obstacle for the exchange to obtain licenses from different countries.

CZ also told employees it was ‘not a win’ to buy out its biggest competitors. According to the Financial Times, after speaking with Sam Bankman-Fried, CZ said:

Before SBF called me, I knew very little about the internal state of FTX. I could compare them to ours to estimate their income, but that would be inconsistent. I was surprised when he wanted to talk. My first reaction was that he wanted to make an OTC deal. But here we are.

According to sources, CZ had no plans to buy out its struggling competitor. As noted in the note above, this move will put the exchange at odds with regulators, according to the Binance CEO:

Regulators will now watch us more closely and be suspicious of us. It will be harder to get licenses from other countries in the world. All that happened caused a great loss of confidence. We didn’t actually have any plans to buy FTX.

Sam Bankman-Fried seeks help from Wall Street and Silicon Valley before CZ

According to Semafor’s report, FTX CEO requested a $1 billion bailout from Wall Street and Silicon Valley before asking CZ for help with liquidity. FTX’s liquidity crisis came especially after Binance announced on Sunday that it would sell its FTT tokens amid concerns that Alameda would go bankrupt. Allegedly, SBF first turned to Wall Street and Silicon Valley to find a solution to the crisis fueled by Binance. He demanded a rescue package of 1 billion dollars from here.


Will Binance sell its FTT Tokens?

cryptocoin.comAs you follow, CZ, referring to a Coindesk report, shared that Alameda’s balance sheet is only supported by FTT tokens, which may cause a liquidity crisis similar to LUNA-UST, and decided to sell the 2.1 billion FTT Token held by the exchange. . Speaking to SBF later, CZ said that when he learned the details of the incident, he ordered to stop selling FTT.

Despite everything, the FTT price is struggling to recover. Even SBF’s announcement on Twitter that they agreed with Binance was not enough to stop the decline. FTT is currently trading at $4.8. It has lost around 70% in value compared to the last 24 hours. Thus, it lost over 80% with a four-day series of red candles.

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