Why Was Corn Flakes Invented?

Although corn flakes are not very common in our country, it is one of the most popular breakfast products in the world. The story of its emergence is quite interesting because it was first invented for patients with nutritional problems to eat easily, and its spread to the public was with the addition of sugar. Let’s see the history of this interesting product through questions such as why was corn flakes invented, who invented it.

Our country has a unique food culture. In fact, the first thing that many Turks who go abroad are uncomfortable with is breakfast. Because while we eat all kinds of cheese, olives and pastries, we encounter cornflakes in foreign countries. Although cereal is not very popular in our country, The world’s most loved and most popular breakfast product. The story of the invention of corn flakes is quite interesting.

In fact, the corn flakes, produced by two brothers who have little to do with cooking, were first made to enable patients with nutritional problems to be fed much more easily. Realizing the future in this product, manufacturers have laid the foundations of today’s market by adding many different types of sugar, especially sugar. Bride why was cereal invented, who invented it Let’s see the history of this interesting product through questions such as:

For those who don’t know; What is cornflakes?

Corn flakes, known in English as corn flakes, are a breakfast staple. including Egypt after pulping many different grains It is made by spreading in thin layers and breaking down after drying. Corn flakes, which can be added to sugar, candies, cocoa, honey, dried fruits, nuts and many other foods that come to mind, are consumed with milk. There are also different dishes made using cornflakes.

Who Invented Corn Flakes?

Cereal, founder of Kellogg’s, one of the largest cereal companies in the world today It was invented by John Harvey Kellogg, his wife Ella, and his sister, William Keith Kellogg. In fact, there are many rumors about the process of its invention because each family member makes different claims. Since the corn flakes patent is on John Harvey Kellogg, it is necessary to accept the name who invented it.

John Harvey KelloggWilliam Keith Kellogg

How was corn flakes invented? The family has different claims:

There are many different claims about how corn flakes were invented. What Ella allegedly did to her mind rolling out the cereal dough into thin sheets came. John found this idea logical and developed a special roller system and the first cereal was produced.

According to another story told John had this idea in his dream and as soon as he woke up he ran to the kitchen and made his first cereal. In another story, Ella rolled out dough and small pieces were left there. John took them and thinned them into cereal. Will was with them to control the process.

Although we are not sure how, the first cereal was invented in 1894 and We know that the patent was granted to John Harvey Kellogg in 1896. Moreover, this patent was valid not only for wheat but also for many different grains. Will objected to this and requested that at least other grains be given to him, but to no avail.

Why was corn flakes invented? It suddenly became the favorite food of the patients:


The Kellogg brothers were working at the Battle Creek Sanatorium at the time. John Harvey Kellogg is a physician and also as a nutritionist different menus that would be good for the health of the patients were called. This small, easy-to-eat and nutritious food felt like medicine, as many patients had nutritional problems.

A cereal they named Granose became a favorite among patients. Trying different grains on top of that They began to acquire new varieties. Will Keith Kellogg was the director of the hospital and was a commercial thinker. If the patients liked it, he said why not everyone and decided to present the product to the public.

‘Free cereal for every woman who winks’ campaign:


Will Keith Kellogg had a company called Creek Toasted Corn Flake Company. The cereal was nice but something tasteless without salt. Added sugar to the product to make it more pleasing to people and began marketing through the company in 1906. But John, a nutritionist, was against sugary cereal and broke down. Nevertheless, the commercial partnership continued.

A series of advertising campaigns were launched to promote the cereal to the public. The most interesting of these was built in 1907. because In this ad, it was announced that every woman who winks at her grocery store will be given a free box of cereal. In a campaign in 1909, there was a comic book gift for those who bought two boxes of cereal.

How popular the wink became is unknown, but the comic book campaign ran for 22 years and even today. Many different brands of cereal in the US market giving this kind of gift. The company, which has grown over the years and increased its product range, has become The Kellogg Company today.

So, is this popular product harmful, what can be done with corn flakes?


Many nutritionists say that it is harmful according to the types of cereals and the amount of calories. because to be more delicious Artificial sugar is added to it, which upsets the entire insulin balance of the body, especially when eaten for breakfast. Of course, eating occasionally doesn’t kill anyone, but if you eat it every day like in American movies and TV series, you can have type 2 diabetes like a light ball.

Sugar-free versions of corn flakes are used as a snack in many culinary cultures. Corn flakes are the main ingredient in many sweet snacks made in Australia and New Zealand. In addition to this, there are some recipes in which it is used instead of bread crumbs in modern culinary culture. Even if it is delicious, it is recommended to take a look at what is in it before using it.

One of the most popular breakfast products in the world. what is cereal, how and why was it invented We talked about the details you need to know about this popular product by answering frequently asked questions. Of course, everyone’s taste in food is unique to them, but as a country with a wide breakfast culture, it is understandable that corn flakes are not very popular in us. You can share your thoughts on the subject in the comments.

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