Why Siemens is so busy selling its own divisions

Dusseldorf Some are just good at breaking up. The Siemens Group has long been known for its agile way of separating from divisions and thus continuously sharpening its core business. A current example: the airport logistics division, for which a buyer is now to be found. The timing seems good to get a good price for the division. After all, flying is booming again after the big slump in the corona pandemic.

Before that, during the pandemic, the sending of parcels was booming. And it is no coincidence that Siemens sold the part of the company that manufactures parcel sorting systems at exactly this time. At a correspondingly good price of half a billion euros.

“The strategy that Siemens is pursuing is corporate clarity,” says corporate finance correspondent Arno Schütze. And that means that the core business is constantly being sharpened and that everything that is not part of it is sold.

In the same league as Siemens, however, there are also completely different strategies: for example at Thyssen-Krupp or Bayer. They also sell divisions from time to time – but they find it much more difficult and are still conglomerates from different parts of the company. What the reasons for this different pace are, whether Siemens can overdo it with corporate clarity and which approach ultimately pays off on the stock market, that’s what the current episode of Handelsblatt Deals is all about.

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