Why should not we give salami to cats, what are the harms?

Street cats in particular cannot say no to many foods because they are almost always hungry, but that doesn’t mean you have to give them everything. You can take out your eyes when you want to make eyebrows.

For cats trying to hold on to life on the street open-end salami giving behavior is very common. Although the affordable price and the willingness of cats to eat encourage people to do so, it is not as innocent as it seems.

The ingredients of these foods are not stripped rotten pieces of meat, tail fat, joints, cartilage, combs, beaks and even hair and feathers can be found. These foods, which are processed in a wide variety of fabrication, are packed homogeneously and take their place in the markets.

Salami, which contains harmful meat products, contains high levels of sodium and spices.

These types of foods are not suitable for the nutritional diet of cats. It can cause many ailments, especially stomach upset. In addition, the nitrate nitrite contained in these products can be used in long-term consumption. carcinogenic has an effect.

If you want to say hi, in the table of contents sodium and spice You can pay attention to the values, but it is unlikely that you will find them at low rates. Even if you find it, these types of products are also harmful because they are heat treated. Moreover, there are many harms not only for cats, but also for you.

You should think twice before giving salami to kittens.

kitten salami

Because they are much more sensitive than adult cats. It is necessary to pay more attention to their diet, otherwise developmental problems may occur. Foods with low nutritional value should not be given because they are in the growing period. This type of food does not contain enough protein and essential amino acids.

hello etc. food causes an increase in internal parasites in cats.

cat parasite

This is harmful parasites It settles in the internal organs and feeds there, causing cats to be sick. Since it is given raw, the possibility of parasite formation will increase even more. Since house cats are vaccinated regularly, there is no parasite problem, but it will cause serious problems in stray cats.

Not only salami, but also third class processed meats such as sausage and sausage should not be given. Instead of these, you can buy and give food that is almost the same price.

cat salami

It should also be reminded that market foods should not be given continuously. Especially if wet food is given continuously, the immune system of cats can weaken and they start to catch diseases such as fungi very easily. Dry food is a much healthier option for them. If you don’t have a very viable option and the cat is starving severely, you can give salami to manage the situation.

Sources: 1, 2

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