Why Is Windows Phone Lost in History?

Microsoft decided to terminate Windows Phone, stating that there would be no more updates to the Windows Phone operating system, which it offered for smartphones in 2019. Why did Windows Phone, once a rival to Apple and Android, fail? If you think that the answer is the great achievements of Apple or Android, you are wrong. We told you why Windows Phone failed, from the mouth of a former Nokia engineer.

As of December 10, 2019, Windows is the operating system of Windows Phone, which it has offered on mobile phones. will no longer receive updates had announced. This smackdown is in the history of Microsoft and Windows. a big failure began to be seen.

When Microsoft bought Nokia He is a Nokia engineer A Reddit user claiming that Windows Phone is behind the failure. important factors shared with people. With these claims, we explained why Windows Phone failed for you. We wish you pleasant reading.

According to a Nokia engineer, the reasons behind the Windows Phone debacle are:

The Reddit user we mentioned, FinlandHe does not spend much time in Espoo, which is headquartered in . software development engineer said that. Stating that the failure of Microsoft Phone is not based on a single reason, the engineer said, many different factors He said that this event led to it.

Google should not be underestimated

google services

One of the biggest goals of Windows is the Windows Phone. at least as powerful as Android to make it an operating system. But it is said that Bill Gates began to underestimate Google and its services like Gmail and Maps, which meant laying the groundwork for an inevitable end. The company didn’t care about Google so much that Google started developing applications for Windows and Windows 8. left in 2012. Here’s a Reddit user’s statement on the matter:

“Apple was already known to be a strong competitor, but Google was just too new to the OS business and wasn’t taking things seriously enough. At that time, Android somehow managed to enter the race, but the main thing was Google services. Google; Microsoft’s reputation began to suffer when YouTube pulled its services like Maps and Gmail from Microsoft.”

Blending Windows Mobile with desktop Windows led to failure:

windows phone metro interface

The second reason behind the failure is that it works well on touch phones but when integrated into the desktop in Windows 8 far below expectations Microsoft’s It was the metro interface. This error is caused by Microsoft’s “a failed Windows 8″ had made his mark. Microsoft’s decision to blend Windows Mobile with Windows 8 has become an irreversible mistake for the company.

Stating that people were extremely curious about Windows Phone before Windows 8 came out, the engineer said, Problems experienced after the release of Windows 8 He says that because of the dryness, the age burns as well. Windows engineers did nothing to fix criticisms of the Metro interface, so the system remained a fail for a long time.

Microsoft also made wrong moves in finance:

phone with windows phone operating system

Among the biggest mistakes the company has made investment woes also in the foreground. According to some people, the company; part of Nokia instead of buying your investment on Windows Phone If it did, it would be at least as powerful as Apple and Android today. According to the suggestions made, the move Microsoft should make is the investment it made at the beginning. keep at the same level would be.

In the beginning, Apple and Google were at least as good as Windows. to limited opportunities Considering that it has insufficient financial moves It was indeed a killing blow for the brand.

bill gates and microsoft phone

According to the engineer who owns the claims on Reddit, the company has been around for the past ten years. a dominant technology company despite his mistakes, he continued to tarnish his reputation and raised a generation that officially hated Microsoft. Thanks to this hatred, big initiatives started to be experienced on platforms other than Microsoft, and Windows Phone was not a preferred name for investment.

Microsoft couldn’t give people enough reasons to choose Windows Phone

windows phone operating system

By the end of 2014, Apple and Android operating systems were no longer available. placed in a certain order and phone users’ preferences Generally It was on this brand. So Microsoft is a little bit for this job. was late. There were some new apps on Windows Phone as well, but these are to switch people from Apple or Android to Windows Phone. was not considered a sufficient reason..

Engineer, people try to switch to a different system after getting used to a certain order. not much prefer saying, that even today, the number of transitions from Android to Apple or from Apple to Android that there is very little states.

Nokia tried to survive Microsoft’s failure

collaboration between microsoft and nokia

In 2011, Microsoft and nokia According to a joint agreement between the two companies, Nokia was prohibited from making an Android-powered phone. However, the company’s failures made Nokia a switch to plan B case and Nokia, Android It rolled up its sleeves to produce a device with an operating system.

Your job as an engineer at Nokia both Microsoft and Android The engineer, who sees the part, claims that the software owned by Microsoft is more successful than Android.

nokia x android operating system

of Nokia X being kept like a secret Stating that, the engineer stated that there are not many products in the market for the promotion of the device in the content he wrote. unable to announcethus emphasizing that instead just hiring Java engineers and starting R&D:

“As the launch approached, things fell into place. One of the first things I did for Android was to work for the X app store. Android Studio was still in its early days, so we were still developing applications on Eclipse.

Since we were working on Eclipse, Android Studio fell short next to Visual Studio. That’s why I still argue that Microsoft software is more powerful than Android software, despite the negative comments from users.“

A surprising tip from Microsoft to Windows Phone users:

apple windows phone and android smartphone

After Microsoft confirmed that support for Windows Phone would be discontinued, question marks began to form in the minds of Windows Phone users. Users, Windows 10 Mobile users encountered an extremely surprising answer written by the company under the question of what to do now.

Microsoft, he doesn’t want to be a victim for users “Windows Phone users can switch to iOS or Android supported devices” made the statement. For many years, Microsoft, which had to recommend the brands that it saw as competitors and competed in the same lane, to its users, threw away all the efforts made so far and signed the end of an era.

windows 10 mobile smartphone

In general, we can say that Microsoft’s late strategies and wrong and weak financial moves brought the end of Windows Phone. The crime was completely CEO Steve Ballmer We do not know, but constantly How important is the development It is really surprising that a person who emphasizes this is so late in taking a step.

of Windows Phone his adventure full of failures and the reasons behind these failures are only from their competitors. not originating we told you. If the right steps had been taken and Windows Phone had been given the necessary financial resources, perhaps Windows Phone would have been as good as Apple and Android in the mobile phone market today. would be a strong and assertive name.

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