If you’ve ever drank a Guinness brand beer, you may have noticed something clicking inside. Of course, that ball in the box is not just there for decoration. On the contrary, it has a very clever and functional purpose!
While other beers do not contain any objects, Guinness brand beers do not contain any objects. has a tiny hole There is a ball. We hear various scenarios about this ball from time to time, but most of them are not true.
Guinness, which offers us a beer we will enjoy with an ingenious chemistry tactic in the background, has been using this method since 1989! After reading our content, a Can be sold in bar environment You will have great knowledge…
There is a lot of information floating around about the ball in Guinness beer.
Some of this ball, to keep the beer cold While some say that it gives aroma, some claim that it gives aroma. In fact, the situation is much different and smarter than all this!
Guinness contains less gas than other beers.
While other beers are carbonated with carbon dioxide (CO2) gas, Guinness contains nitrogen (N2) gas. Actually, it contains carbon dioxide gas, but will create enough foam not as much.
This causes Guinness to contain less gas than other beers. In short, the desired amount of foam cannot be obtained. This is where the little ball we mentioned comes into play and “widget” with the system called an ingenious method is being developed.
The system, which includes 4 years of research and an expenditure of 5 million pounds, was developed in 1969 and was fully implemented and put on the market in 1989.
Nitrogen is added to this ball, which has a small hole, while it is being boxed. When liquid nitrogen is mixed with beer, carbon dioxide gas must be released. This gas, which cannot overflow in a closed box, It goes into the hole of the ball. So the ball actually helps release the nitrogen gas in the beer.
When you open your drink, the nitrogen gas inside the ball is released by contact with air and Pssss! To you A rich, fresh and creamy foam offers!
If you would like to see the ball inside the beer and its effect in more detail:
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