Why Is China Investing in the Ice City of Harbin?

500 million dollars are spent for the Ice Festival, which takes place every year in Harbin, China. Yes, you heard right! This incredible amount is being spent on an ice city that will only last 2 months and then melt away.

Harbin Ice and Snow Festival has been held since 1985 and One of the largest ice cities in the world An activity that is considered.

The festival runs from late December to late February every year and is approximately It is built using 250,000 cubic meters of ice. These ices are extracted from the Songhua River passing through the city.

The giant ice city hosts nearly 20 million tourists every year.

In Harbin Ice City Everything you can think of is made of ice. Illuminated ice sculptures, giant ice slides and other structures made of ice look like they came out of a fairy tale world.

Visitors come from all over the world to experience this unique experience. During the festival various events, ice sculpture competitions and night shows being edited.

So, why is so much money and effort spent?

China, Harbin Ice City

The answer is simple: Tourism. Harbin Ice Festival has become one of China’s biggest tourist events. In the first 3 days of its opening, the festival 800 million dollars He earns an incredible income and more than covers his expenses. In a 2-month period, more than 4.5 billion dollars provides a profit.

Harbin Ice Festival is not only a touristic event, but also a cultural and artistic event. During the festival many international artist and sculptor, He shows off his talents by making sculptures from ice and snow.

China, Harbin Ice City

Various concerts, dance shows and sports events are also organized within the scope of the festival. These events cultural diversity and artistic value of the festival increases​.

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