Why Don’t They Make a Longer Lasting Battery?

This question comes to everyone’s mind at some point, I know; why not make a phone battery that lasts much longer? There are several different answers to this question, let’s look at them all together.

When buying a phone according to our usage habits Let’s look at many different features. While the camera performance is important for some of us, others take a look at the processor of the phone and are interested in how powerful it is.

The common question for all is ‘how long does it charge?’ It is possible. After all, it is important to know how long a device that we have around the clock will last… But there is a problem with this; phone charges that used to go for days now last for two days, even if the stone cracks. This is a realistic time if the usage rate is low. But why are the tech giants constantly spending money improving phones? can’t develop and produce batteries that will last for days?

First of all, let’s look at the issue of ‘the charge used to last for days’;

In fact, the answer to this question is not difficult to guess, you may already know. But let’s go over it anyway.

phones used to be despite having much ‘smaller’ batteries We didn’t need to charge it for days. This inevitably brings this question to mind when we think of the phones that we sometimes charge twice a day today.

But in the past, phones were just ‘phones’. He wasn’t smart…

In the past, we only used phones to say ‘hello’ or to send sms. Come on, you didn’t know how to play snake… Now we do everything you can think of with our phones, and that’s it. much more powerful processorsmeans screens are needed. As a result, the energy used by the phone also increases. So this is actually the simplest answer to this simple first question.

Phone batteries are actually improving. However many other hardware features of phones are developing faster… More power consumption, ever-increasing screen time and our phone usage patterns… Each of these causes it to not last very long, no matter how advanced the batteries are.

‘Well then, let’s make batteries strong enough to last for days’

This is the second question that will rightfully come to your mind. Even ‘a brand new and more powerful battery technology has been developed’ When you see the news, people involuntarily think ‘why can’t we see those powerful batteries’. But there are many logical answers to this question. Let’s take a look at all of them one by one.

First of all, more powerful battery means ‘bigger battery’

This is our first reason. Smartphones have grown in size, but after all, there is a limit for these phones to remain as ‘mobile phones’ in the old term. This, of course, creates a size limit for the batteries that can be put into phones.

Likewise, thinner and lighter phones have changed over the years. aesthetic perception and ease of use It is a criterion that many of us look at. This is another obstacle for a more powerful battery.

We have largely reached the maximum capacity limit for phones on lithium-ion batteries

Lithium-ion batteries have been used in phone batteries for many years. Today, especially in flagships,Very powerful batteries are used at the level of 000-6000mAh. It is said that the point reached is at the peak of the maximum efficiency point that can be obtained from lithium-ion batteries.

In lithium-ion batteriescompressible strength‘ there is a limit due to the nature of the battery. Since more power cannot be compressed, it is actually quite normal for the batteries to stay at a certain limit…

Isn’t there another battery technology, let them do it then…

Of course stronger, smaller and Many studies are being carried out for longer-lasting batteries. Developments are being made with different materials for solid-state batteries that will replace standard lithium-ion batteries. There are also some batteries that work well in the laboratory environment.

However, many different titles need to be evaluated for batteries. The fact that a new battery can be used for many more days without recharging with today’s average usage time is not the only criterion. In addition, how it affects performance, how long it can work healthily for years by charging Numerous factors are considered.

Moreover producing a new battery with a new raw material. It will be a process that needs to be prepared for manufacturers as well, studies will need to be done for compatibility on phones where a lot of hardware works together, and numerous steps should not be skipped.

Of course, there is also the issue of cost. Keeping the prices of smartphones at a certain level is very important for the consumer.

Although this has become a laughing matter for us in our country, for consumers around the world smartphone prices have a psychological upper limit and manufacturers cannot afford to exceed it. I even remember When iPhone prices first hit $1,000 shocked and Apple received a lot of backlash in the US…

Not very effective on charging behavior for the user

Obviously, another important reason is that phones that will go out of charge for days. has not become a ‘need’ for the consumer and will not have a direct impact on purchasing behavior. Of course, if such a phone comes out, it will attract everyone’s attention, but for now, there is no such intense demand from consumers.

The charge lasts for about a day.Considering the average usage time, a phone whose battery can work as efficiently as two years seems sufficient for everyone.

Charging technologies are developing instead of batteries

Although technology giants cannot increase the performance of batteries unlimitedly, new they are closing this gap with charging technologies. Many new generation phones now charge in less than an hour. Technologies such as fast charging, contactless charging Thanks to this, it’s not that big of a problem to charge the phone once in a while. So, as we mentioned above, a more powerful battery is not a big need.

Maybe charging technologies do not develop and if it took hours for a phone to charge, then it would be more needed, but it isn’t.

In short, with the ongoing R&D studies, of course, much stronger in the coming period, much longer-lasting batteries will become the new industry normal. However, the way we use phones will probably have changed with those batteries as well… We’ll wait and see what awaits us.

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