Why Don’t Some Cars Have a Windshield?

We look at the details of some luxury car manufacturers removing windshields from cars as if removing the headphone jack from smartphones. Of course, this is not a common situation.

Car manufacturers continue to work non-stop to make each model they produce for different audiences even better than the previous one. In this context, runway vehicles are subject to certain conditions. faster Issues such as how they can travel and what other conveniences the off-road vehicles can provide to users are constantly being researched.

Especially millions of dollars When we look at the companies that produce vehicles worthwhile, strange-looking innovations (?) can meet us. In recent years, these strange innovations, which are curious about how they come up with solutions in terms of functionality,removing the windshield‘ was added. Let’s take a closer look at this situation that we see in brands such as McLaren and Ferrari.

Let’s talk about the windshield first:

The part we call the windshield is abroad. windshield known as. For the equivalent of this in our language wind barrier Or we can call it a wind shield. The primary function of the windshield is to block the wind and provide a more comfortable driving experience.

Besides birdsinsects, and probably most importantly, we can say stones It also provides security as well as comfort.

Finally, the vehicle to aerodynamics These glasses, which are placed in a way that contributes to the performance, that is, allowing the wind to pass over them by standing in a curve, even contribute to the performance. So why on some cars? they don’t exist?

Aerodynamics, aerodynamics and again aerodynamics:

Ferrari MonzaAston Martin V12 speedster and McLaren Elva models would be the most appropriate examples for this content. In this context, we will see the limits and solutions by going from bad to good.

At the bottom of the row is the Aston Martin V12 Speedster:

Top Gear

This vehicle, which went on sale for a price of 800 thousand dollars, was designed with inspiration from warplanes. Although it looks quite nice from the outside”even if i have money“There are a few cons you can say.

First of all, it is forbidden to drive the vehicle on the street. In this context, you can only take it to the track. Additionally, the company helmet or goggles recommends its use. Yes, we are used to this in engines, we wear helmets, but it will be sad for some that there is no engineering solution for this in the vehicle you have paid for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

In other words, although there is no glass in this vehicle, there is nothing to prevent the air coming into your face. 700 hp When the vehicle with a powerful engine is like this, driving it is like free diving. So it looks good, it’s super fast and it has history, but unfortunately it fell short for this content.

How is the situation at Ferrari Monza?

Ferrari Monza

Ferrari directed its engineers here by thinking a little more about driving comfort. As a result, someone came out and said,what’s that Shall we put glass?”, but instead a different solution was found. This solution is a vertically formed wind barrier was to reveal.

In order for this barrier to emerge, the vehicle must first in motion and air must be constantly passing through the air inlets. Air enters from the part you see behind the panel in front of the driver and upwards It moves and creates a quiet area for the driver.


Of course this your speedster It will be better than the experience it offers, but still it is not a completely comfortable driving experience. In addition, this vehicle is also off the track in some places. use possible. As a result, we saw that this vehicle could not make us forget the windshield we sacrificed.

Let’s get to the best of these three: McLaren Elva

McLaren Elva

Since the Elva model also has a package that comes with a windshield, it is not illegal to use it on the roads. But we cannot show this as the main reason. Because this car from McLaren to really use It has an innovation that makes it worthwhile. In its innovation called AAMS (Active Air Control System), the company offers a more comfortable driving experience than the previous two vehicles, even without glass inside, by manipulating the direction of the air.

In order to do this, the grille visible on the hood rises when a certain speed limit is exceeded. vertical halo is coming. After the air entering from the front grille moves towards here, it meets the vertical part and goes backwards over the driver as it is prevented from going back to the same place. In this context small scale but it offers more effective protection than before. But remember, it doesn’t kick in until a certain speed.


In addition, spoilers on these vehicles are caused by the lack of windshield. imbalance is designed to correct and in certain positions is happening.

You can see how it works more easily in this video:

How useful are these tools?


These vehicles look good and can reach high speeds. an enjoyable experience it is an indisputable fact. But they were never recommended for everyday use. Of course, we are not far from the idea of ​​a car with an open top and front, but these vehicles are mostly in garages. a unique piece being produced.

In addition, it is aimed that the ideas that have been tried with these will pave the way for different innovations. For example, no one will want to stay with these cars in the rain. Although seat and console materials 4 seasons resistant It is a fact that we are not like that. Owners of these vehicles, which are already limited production, they are not tied.


Why doesn’t it make sense to widen congested roads and open one more lane?

As a result, there is an aspect of these tools that will deeply affect daily use. not we can say. They can affect even lower segment vehicles as they emerge with more effective solutions for wind and stone protection in the future, but so far this is far looks like. You can share your thoughts in the comments.

resources: Hackaday, Ferrari, Aston Martin, McLaren, Science ABC

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