Why Does YouTube Allow Scam Ads?

YouTube is undoubtedly one of the largest video platforms on the internet. This platform, which is visited by millions of people a day, may occasionally include fraudulent ads in its videos. Fake advertisements, in which children and the elderly can easily be fooled, naturally pose a great danger. So how can YouTube allow this type of advertising even though it has strict rules?

YouTube’s videos lately annoying scam ads facing the problem. Some of the ads you see at the beginning, between or at the end of the videos you watch on YouTube contain false claims, misleading information and fraud attempts.

The media, which sometimes tries to enforce its rules very strictly, becomes silent when it comes to fraud. What are the reasons behind this silence? Let’s examine it together.

Let’s start by understanding how YouTube ads work: it works through the Google Ads system.

Since YouTube is part of Google, its advertising revenues It is obtained through the Google Ads system. Google Ads is a platform that offers advertisers various options to reach their target audiences.

Advertisers can use Google Ads on their search engines, websites, applications and services such as YouTube. can show themselves.

Google Ads; It offers a variety of tools to measure the performance of ads, manage and optimize their budgets. In addition, these people are In what types of content it may appear? can decide.

You can guess that not all of them are controlled manually. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that most of them are automatically approved by Google Ads.

Super Mario fake ad, YouTube scam ads, YouTube fake ad

Even though Google has a policy on these ads, these people resort to all kinds of tricks to commit fraud. get approval automatically somehow he succeeds. So how does YouTube allow it?

Actually, the answer to this question is a bit questionable. Because YouTube is kinda ignoring It is fair to say. After all, one of the most important purposes of this medium is to make money.

Google through these ads It made a profit of $147 billion in 2020 If we think about it, we can understand why he turns a blind eye to fraud. But is this ethical? Of course not.

Not every ad appears in front of every user in the same way.

Elon Musk fake ad YouTube, YouTube scammer Elon Musk bitcoin

For example, you are a person who is interested in finance and constantly searches for this subject on Google. What YouTube will throw at you is How to earn large amounts of money in a short time advertisements about. Moreover, these videos are just that prepared professionally which manages to convince many people.

So, as you can see, YouTube is also a part of this fraud business. At the end of the day advertisers Like Google, YouTube, X (Twitter) and Facebook It invests incredible amounts in major media. If we consider their revenues in 2020, they will make a significant portion of the platforms’ revenues. “fake advertising” welcomes.

Elon Musk had previously made a statement on this issue:


You Can Be Scammed by Elon Musk(!): YouTube Started to Be Filled with Fake Elon Musk Videos

MrBeast is among those who suffer from this problem.

MrBeast YouTube scam ad, YouTube MrBeast fake ad

To people who visit the site “MrBeast” ad promising $1000, It has received a great response recently. Considering that the audience consists of young people, the chances of achieving its goal are quite high.

YouTube, which has received negative feedback from many users about these advertisements, is currently responding to these claims. He seems to have remained silent.

So what should we do if we come across such fake advertisements?

  • Click on the expression in the image and click on the window that appears. “report this ad” Select the option.
  • After clicking, the ad YouTube policy You will be asked to indicate how you think it violates.
  • Later A form that takes 2-3 minutes You need to fill it out.
  • Once the reporting of an inappropriate ad is complete, the YouTube algorithm will send feedback to the user who will review the report. algorithm, by contacting the advertiser It will notify you that the ad has been flagged.

Previously, we made a content about ads made with Deepfake on YouTube:


Attention to Ads on YouTube: People are being Deceived by Ads Made with Deepfake [Video]

So what are your thoughts on this subject? Do you think it is ethical or not for YouTube to follow such a policy? Don’t forget to express your thoughts in the comments.

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