Why Does Steam Come Out of Manholes in America?

The steam that comes out of the orange-white chimneys, which is an iconic symbol of New York and sometimes comes out of the manholes, is actually of great importance for the city. Let’s take a look at why they are so important.

Think about the things in the landscape that comes to your mind when New York is mentioned. Most of you steam coming out of manholes or orange-white pipes We know that it is included in this landscape.

We come across it frequently, especially in movies, and we find it strange because there is no such example in Turkey. These vapors why did it come out And whether it is harmful It creates a question mark in everyone’s mind.

They used to heat almost the whole city with steam!

Heating buildings and water in New York in the winter, and in the summer powering cooling systems used for. washing the dishes in restaurants, sterilizing hospital equipment It has many more functions such as

It has grown from the 1800s to today.

new York

The world’s largest steam system, It is located in New York. The owner of this system is Con Edison company.

The steam system was introduced in the early 1800s with only 350 customers. Living its golden age in 1920-1930s 100,000 buildings and reached up to 2,500 customers. Today, it continues to be popular by serving 2.000 buildings.

Could a steam system change the city’s skyline?

New York skyline

Saumil Shukla, vice president of steam operations at Con Edison, said:If there was no steam system, Manhattan’s postcard silhouette would be completely different. There would be tall buildings with a kind of chimney coming out of them.” he explained the size of the system.

Buildings that use the steam system include the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Empire State Building There are also important buildings such as the United Nations Headquarters.

This system, which is used so much in New York, why isn’t it used elsewhere?

The steam system can only be used in places where the population is very dense. Because to establish and maintain this system has huge infrastructure and operating costs.

In low or moderately populated areas aside from making the cost cheaper, it is not preferred because it will make it very expensive due to its costs. That’s why it doesn’t appear everywhere.

The steam system and the massive population are a great pairing!

times Square

The steam system not only reduces the cost in overpopulated areas, but also It also protects the environment.

This situation Con Edison spokesperson Joe Petta angles with a very good example; “Which is better for the environment; 50 people coming to the city by bus, or 50 people taking 50 different cars?

Representative of the steam system in Europe: Paris

Eiffel Tower

When we think of crowded places in Europe, we immediately think of it. Paris will come. Although not as common as in New York, the steam system is also used in Paris.

Paris, It is the largest system in Europe and has more than double the annual steam production of Europe.

If we come into contact with the vapors coming out of the manholes, will we burn?


The vapors that come out from underground are not actually used in the system, but water or other sources that drip into the pipes carrying the vapors. So the reason is mostly a simple is condensation.

That’s why vapors that most people consider dirty or poisonous. there is no harm.

Orange-white chimneys come into play when the vapors are thought to be harmful.

orange white chimney

From time to time, during the maintenance of the pipes or when there is any problem in the pipes so as not to harm people. orange-white chimneys are placed. Steam through these chimneys higher than human height taken and damage is prevented.

Are there no accidents in such a large system?

in 2007 In an accident, one of the 80-year-old pipes burst and more than 40 people were injured and one person died. Apart from this accident, there has not been such a large-scale accident. rare although accidents do happen.

As a result, this steam system iconic It has numerous advantages apart from creating images. This system, which provides great convenience to the New York population, has not become iconic for nothing!


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