Why Does Our Stomach Grow? The reason is not just hunger!

Your stomach started rumbling right in the middle of the day, and everyone around you heard it, not just you. At that moment, the stomach rumbling, which was the reason for the slight smile on the face, said “I’m hungry.” We know what you mean, but how does this happen?

In some cases, this rumbling It’s not just about being hungry. Do you wonder how your body functions when faced with the sound of a natural event that we all experience?

Your answer “Yes” Let’s take you like this.

It emerges with the perfectly harmonious mechanism of the digestive process.

Our digestive system is a complex network that breaks down food and converts nutrients into forms our body can use. The stomach and intestines are digestive It works with contractions.

To these contractions “peristalsis” It is called and allows food to move through the digestive tract. In fact, our stomach growls even when we are full, but we do not hear it due to the pressure of the fullness inside.

However, these contractions continue even when there is no food in our stomach. These movements are air and digestive fluids It causes movement in our intestines, creating rumbling.

Empty stomach and hormones also play a big role.

Our body when the stomach is empty “ghrelin” It secretes a hormone called Ghrelin sends the signal to the brain that we are hungry and also increases the contractions of the digestive system.

This causes our stomach to growl more frequently and loudly. Ghrelin hormone is a signal that triggers our food-seeking behavior and our body’s meet energy needs It also helps us start searching for food.

Could you have swallowed air?

Why does our stomach growl?

Stomach rumbling is not something we encounter only when we are hungry. in the digestive system accumulated air and liquids can also cause this. The air we swallow while eating or talking can move through the digestive tract and create noise.

Additionally, the stomach and intestines provide various nutrients for digestion. enzymes and acids It secretes. These liquids are among the factors that make noise during bowel movements.

Nutritional habits are one of the factors.

Why does our stomach growl when we are hungry?

Rumbling usually between meals, It is more noticeable when the stomach is completely empty. However, we can hear this more often and louder in cases of long-term hunger.

often but consuming small meals It is possible to reduce the severity of rumbling by constantly working our digestive system and gaining regular eating habits.

Lentils, cabbage, peas, cauliflower It should also be noted that some foods, such as food, are difficult to break down by our system and may cause stomach rumbling.

The next time your stomach growls, remember that it’s a message your body is sending you: “Feed me!”

Now, it might be time to grab a snack!

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