Why Does It Explode When You Put Mentos In Coke? Not a Chemical Reaction!

We explain the science behind the experiment that everyone once tried, popping a Mentos into a Diet Coke and popping it.

In fact, the reason why Coke explodes when you put Mentos in it is because from a chemical reaction It does not originate.

Alright What happens when a sugar and a drink come together? What is the real reason for this interesting explosion?

First, let’s watch the Mentos-cola experiment:

So what is the scientific explanation for this explosion?

The fizz in sodas comes from carbon dioxide added to the bottles at high pressure. For example, a 2-liter diet cola contains an average of 12-15 grams of carbon dioxide gas. This gas “nucleation zone” It tries to escape and form bubbles around a surface called

Likewise, there are nucleation zones inside Mentos. When they come together with cola, carbon dioxide gas, It suddenly pushes the liquid out. In other words, a physical reaction occurs, not a chemical one.

We can also say: Coke contains carbon dioxide, which gives the drink its “fizziness”, and when Mentos is dropped into the bottle, the carbon dioxide molecules stick to it. Mentos’ tiny pores accelerates the release of gas He pushes the easy way.

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