Why Does Google Allow AdBlockers?

Let’s face it, it’s quite annoying when websites constantly pop up ads. Ads that appear as “bare” in unexpected places annoy users. However, unlike other competitors, Google allows you to use ad blockers such as AdBlock. There is an ingenious plan behind this.

A large portion of internet users are disturbed by the advertisements they encounter on websites, and they take steps to block them. Plugins like AdBlock prefers. So do you think these apps really block ads? Did you know that giant companies like Google are actually behind these applications and thus they earn more income?

No, you didn’t read it wrong. Don’t be confused any more about this, Let’s briefly explain what this means:

Google; It pays users who use ad blockers like AdBlock to show its own ads.

Google, The undisputed leader of internet advertising is trying every way to prevent competition in this field. One of them is to pay ad-blocking plug-ins to show their own ads.

AdBlock Plus, the most popular of this plugin, announced its agreement with Google in 2015. Accordingly, the company has implemented an ad blocker. “acceptable advertisements” paid a certain portion of the advertising revenue to get on the list and used the plugin. was financially funded.

AdBlock Plus defended this agreement by explaining that it respected users’ advertising preferences and only showed quality and harmless ads. However, this meant that Google was imposing its own ads and blocking other ad networks. But their agreement both the internet ecosystem and the privacy of users. It is also true that it causes harm.

The company collects users’ data and shows them more ads.

Google data room, google data room

So Google officially, like AdBlock users using applications They got rid of ads completely It allows them to think. It would not be a lie to say that we are not surprised by this investment made by the company in order to earn large sums of money in the long term.

We said that Google collects user data. So, you may ask, “What does this do?” Thanks to the data it collects The company learns users’ interests, habits, locations and other personal information and shows more targeted and personalized ads to its users.

We can briefly summarize as follows: It allows apps it pays to show its own ads to block ads from other ad networks. this too monopolization of the internet and causes small publishers to lose revenue.

Their goals are not limited to this alone; It directs users using AdBlock to its own browser, Chrome.

Google Chrome usage rate 2023, Google chrome statistics

If you don’t use Chrome, Google has somehow Trying to convince you to use Chrome You may have noticed. However, the only reason for this is not only to advertise its own browser, but also to show its own ads, as we mentioned before.

This situation, Chrome’s 64.73% by market share It also explains that it is the most popular internet browser in the world. While other competitors in the industry allow such plug-ins later, Chrome, which has already advertised AdBlock, manages to keep the user in its browser in this way.

This situation, which seems like a genius idea, naturally brings with it ethical questions. So, do you think this move by Google is logical or unethical? We will be waiting for your thoughts in the comments.

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