Why Do We Shake Hands? – Webtekno

When greeting, coming somewhere, meeting new people… What was the real reason for the handshake we do to establish contact with people and why did we make it a habit?

This tradition is not a newly formed one. Every society throughout historyhas developed its own unique way of greeting. Handshake is one of them and the most common.

Generally considered a sign of respect Why do we shake hands?

Handshake has many meanings extending from the depths of human history to the present day.

This ritual initially consists of an introduction and mutual If it is accepted as a show of respect Over time, it has been applied in different cultures and in different ways. One of the main reasons for this is the desire to get to know the other person and have a friendly approach towards them.

We humans need to know who the other party is at our first contact and use this information. our emotional and social ties We would like to support. In this sense, we can say that a handshake is a kind of natural exchange of information.

According to research, the chemicals our body secretes when shaking hands help us obtain the chemical signature of the person in front of us.

These chemicals processing sensory information and it is thought to help us quickly form an impression about the other person. It was determined that the people recorded in the research involuntarily smelled their hands while shaking hands.

Behavioral science expert Val Curtis, “Don’t Look, Don’t Touch” In his book, he states that the main reason why kissing and shaking hands are used as greeting rituals is to express that people trust each other enough and are close enough to even share germs.

Rather, it was a way to show that there were no weapons available in prehistoric times.


The oldest known document in historical terms, B.C. It is a relief from the 5th century. This relief found in Athens shows two soldiers shaking hands. As this image explains, shaking hands is actually a representation of peace.

Shaking hands, an expression of friendship, is a way for people to say “I don’t have a gun in my hands.” It’s just one of our universal behaviors.

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