Why Do We Have Irrational Dreams? – Webtekno

What is your most ridiculous and unforgettable dream? Most of the time, when we wake up in the morning, we wonder, “What’s this got to do with?” We remember our dreams and we can’t really understand them. So why does your brain often produce nonsensical scenarios while dreaming?

Flying on a camel, being a leaf, or any number of absurd scenarios you can think of actually exist. scientific reasons there is.

So we don’t see most of them in vain. to experience enlightenment if you’re ready, let’s start.

Dreams usually occur during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep.

During this phase, our brain activity is quite high, and in some cases it can even be more active than when we are awake. in REM sleep The brain’s prefrontal cortex (the region associated with logical thinking and decision-making) is less active. For this reason, it is common for us to encounter more chaotic and strange events in our dreams instead of logical and consistent scenarios.

Cleansing and renewal process of the brain

In fact, dreams are part of the process of processing, clearing and renewing the information our brain accumulates during the day. In this process where our daily experiences, emotions and memories are blended, our brain sometimes experiences random and illogical combinations It creates.

In this case, activities in different parts of the brain out of sync and when combined with the deactivation of the prefrontal cortex, it causes extraordinary scenarios to emerge in dreams.

Dreams also play an important role in regulating emotional processes.

strange dreams

According to Freud’s theories, dreams are the expression of repressed desires and desires in our subconscious. a reflection of emotions. Modern science also provides findings that support this view.

Dreams; processing emotional traumas, Dealing with stress It is a mechanism used by the brain to maintain psychological balance. In this process, irrational and complex dream scenarios allow our emotions and experiences to be processed symbolically.

Dreams are also effective in the development of creative thinking and cognitive flexibility.

The brain creates new connections by bringing together different thoughts and ideas during dreams. In fact, in this process, creative problem solving We can increase our skills and innovative thinking capacity. That’s why many artists and scientists can say that they get their inspiration from dreams.

What was the weirdest dream you had and still can’t forget? We welcome comments.

More about dreams:


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