Why Do We Call Cowardly People Chickens?

We describe brave people as “like a lion” and cunning people as “like a fox”. There is an expression we often use to refer to cowardice: “chicken”.

So have you ever thought? animals more timid than chicken Why especially chicken when there is something else?

Perhaps this statement is not limited to the cowardice of chickens. Because just in the 21st century Such a discourse is not used, we come across a similar expression centuries ago.

Its origins date back to ancient times.

Shakespeare’s Cymbeline In his work, he describes the soldiers who escaped during the war. “They fly right away, chickens…” His use of the expression is the first notable example of this idiom. When you see it like this, you may think that this expression came into our lives with Shakespeare.

But the association of chickens with cowardice actually dates back to before the 17th century. In the ballads, which are versions of many old plays and poems set to music, cowardly people “chicken heart” While brave leaders and warriors were called “roosters”.

For example, a ballad called Taylor’s Lamentation went like this:


“Since then, he has had such dominance that

I am forced to obey its laws.

He is the rooster and I am the hen,

this is my situation

Ah! Have pity on me then.”

When we look at his words, this is actually a subservient and subdued role assigned to women We can see that it is. In other words, chicken, which is associated with cowardice, contains a sexist expression.

Nowadays, we do not associate this pattern only with cowardice.

In some cases, to express naivety or stupidity While it is used, the term “chicken liver” or “chicken” is also used for shy people and even people who go to sleep early.

of this idiom a sexist history It is obvious that it is. While roosters are generally seen as symbols of courage and strength, female chickens are associated with submissiveness and cowardice.

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