Why Do Stale Biscuits Soften While Stale Bread Gets Hard?

While the freshest of everything tastes better, sometimes stale bread, pastries, chips, etc. We may also have to eat food. Foods usually soften when they get stale, while some foods become tougher. So what could be the reason for this difference?

Fresh bread, fried like a pomegranate, with smoke coming out of it, according to stale and hardened bread It is the first choice of most of us. On the other hand, crispy fresh biscuits or chips that have not been opened yet are also more delicious than chips or biscuits that have been opened before and have become hungover and soft.

However, while foods such as bread, biscuits and chips go stale, not all of them get stale in the same way. So why doesn’t every stale food show the same reaction?

There is no single type of staleness.

In fact, it is completely hard for the bread or its derivatives to become harder when it goes stale, and for chips, biscuits and their derivatives to become soft when they go stale. according to the type of staling a situation that occurs.

Some foods soften as they go stale, and some foods harden. internal and external staling It is related to.

external staling; crust staling Also described as. If we take a brief look at the definition of external staling; First of all, let’s divide the bread into two parts as the inside of the bread and the crust of the bread. Over time, the moisture in the crust of the bread is absorbed by the inside of the bread, the crust hardens, the bread goes stale and we have a hardened bread because it is now stale.

In internal staling, the ingredients in the food play an important role. Internal staling type foods, which are generally seen in chips, biscuits and similar foods, due to gluten and starch softens.

Speaking of the issue of staleness; In the ready-made breads sold in the markets, in order for the products to have a long shelf life, prevent starch from interacting with gluten We can say that there are additives. If starch interacts with gluten, it will be inevitable for our bread to go stale.

Is it crispy enough to be fresh?


Whether a chip is fresh or not is often the result of a bite. crackling sound We decide with An experiment conducted in 2004 confirms this information. Within the framework of a study conducted at Oxford University in 2004, earphones were placed in the ears of the subjects and they were placed in front of them. totally stale chips was set. While the subjects were biting the chips, crackling sounds were played through the headphones, and many subjects agreed that the chips were fresh.

Stale foods can be evaluated in many different ways.

waste of bread

In the report published by the United Nations in 2021, it is stated that an average of 931 million tons of food is wasted annually, and it is reported by TOBB Board Member Özer Matlı. about 5 million loaves of bread every day He said it was thrown away. Similarly, a report was shared by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry stating that 18.8 million tons of food is thrown away annually and 4.8 million bread goes to waste per day.

Even stale bread can be used in desserts, pizza, pies, donuts and various dishes. can be used without waste; We would like to remind you once again that waste is a bad choice both in religion and conscience.

What about your food? stale in different ways What do you think about it?

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