Why Do People Drink Mineral Water Instead of Normal Water In Europe?

When you go to restaurants and markets in Europe, you will notice that mineral waters are more prominent in the water section. When you get involved in social life, you will see that people drink mineral waters instead of plain water. So why is this the case, why do Europeans prefer mineral waters?

No matter which country you go to in the world, as in our country, in general, every country has its own food culture. This is an undeniable fact. Some countries have their own water culture Would you believe it if we told you it was? Generally, at the beginning of the countries with different water culture European countries is located.

For example, when you go to a restaurant in Germany and ask for water, the waiter often tells you. sparkling water will bring. After the gas water came, he thought the situation strange. still water You can also ask, of course, still water will come to you after your request, but the waiters will also find your request for plain water as strange as you find it strange to receive fizzy water, because there is a cultural dimension to drinking it with meals, just like in Germany in general, carbonated water is drunk.

Now let’s come to our topic; Why in Germany and throughout Europe carbonated water is preferred?

First, let’s get down to the history of bottled water.

The first bottled water was produced in the 17th century. in the UK found holy well obtained from the well. During this period, most of the bottled water was produced from naturally occurring mineral waters. mineral waters, Since it is believed to be beneficial for human health, it achieved success throughout Europe in terms of consumption in its first years. Straight waters in Europe through clean taps if it reaches the public The people did not give up their habits. They preferred tap water for washing hands and cleaning, and carbonated water for drinking.

How was the emergence of bottled water in the United States?

Since the water flowing from the taps in the USA is not clean, drinking tap water is beneficial for human health. It wasn’t very healthy. Hence the bottled water industry emerged and first bottled commercial this It was sold in the 18th century. By the 20th century in the USA tap water It was cleaned by chlorination method and made drinkable. This situation significantly reduced the demand for mineral water.

The emergence and popularization of carbonated water:

mineral resources They have been used as water sources in Germany for centuries. The Germans loved mineral waters. The natural carbonate mineral springs found in Selters and Gerolstein became popular throughout the country. Until 1767, only the German elite had access to these popular waters, as access to these waters was expensive.

Chemist Joseph Priestley discovered a brewing method thanks to carbonate the water invented it and wrote an article about it. A few years later, amateur scientist Jacob Schweppe used Priestley’s method. carried forward and The first practical carbonated water production process developed. The company that Schweppe founded takes water from any spring in Germany and pours it. could carbonize. Thanks to Schweppe’s company, German citizens of all statuses had the opportunity to drink carbonated water of the same quality. In addition; Jacob Schweppe is the founder of the carbonated beverage company Schweppes.

Well, what do you think about this issue? Do you like mineral water?

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