Why Do Our Teeth Become Shady After Eating Spinach?

Do you experience a strange feeling in your teeth after eating spinach? Doesn’t it feel just like “squeaky clean”? Don’t worry, this situation has a place and explanation in science!

Spinach, It is a very beneficial vegetable for our health. But that gritty feeling on our teeth after eating has bothered us all, right?

To explain this situation some knowledge of chemistry we will need it.

Spinach; It is full of many nutrients such as vitamin B3, magnesium, iron and manganese.

It is also a perfect It is a source of vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin K. Thanks to these nutritional properties, it gives energy to our body and improves the quality of our blood.

However, besides all these benefits, after eating spinach It leaves a chalky and rough feeling on our teeth.

This feeling is known as a harmless side effect that many people experience and “Spinach Teeth” It is called.

Spinach contains high amounts of oxalic acid to defend itself against insects and animals.

Oxalic acid is known as an antinutrient because by bonding with minerals It inhibits the body’s ability to absorb nutrients.

When we eat spinach, the calcium in our saliva combines with the oxalic acid in spinach. It forms water-insoluble calcium oxalate crystals. These crystals stick to our teeth, giving them a chalky feel and creating a gritty texture in our mouth.

small crystals, is what some people describe as a bitter taste to spinach and creates that tannic, gritty feeling in our mouth.

Other foods containing oxalic acid include: tea, chocolate, hazelnuts, strawberries, wheat bran, It is also found in beets.

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