Why Do Only Humans Among Living Creatures Have a Chin Tip?

Have you noticed that only us humans have the tip of the lower jaw among animal species? While thinking about this, perhaps you rubbed the tip of your chin, or maybe you noticed its function while folding the sheets… Really, what else does this chin tip do for us humans?

Many scientists think about this issue by stroking his lower jaw. Bony protrusion extending slightly from under the chin, It’s unique to humans, and researchers have been theorizing about it for years.

How does such a distinctive feature come about? unique to the human species in the entire animal kingdom Can it be decomposed as? If you’re ready, let’s review the theories.

The most distinctive feature unique to the human species is the tip of the chin.

Consider our closest genetic cousins, chimpanzees and gorillas. Even they don’t have lower jaw protrusions. It slopes down and back from the front teeth. Even other species that lived in ancient times, such as Neanderthals, There were no chin tips.

When we consider the state of the human species after its separation from chimpanzees, “This feature is unique to the human species.” The only distinguishing feature that could be said was the chin.

The most accepted theory has to do with chewing.


The jaw is a subject that raises great differences among researchers in evolutionary biology. That’s why no theory can be taken as certain. The first of these theories is that our ancestors developed a chin tip by strengthening their lower jaw to withstand chewing. However, some scientists suggest that the jaw is not the place that strengthens chewing.

According to another theory, the jaw was developed for language use.

first people

With the development of language, our speaking and communication abilities also evolved. Although the use of the tongue requires certain movements of the jaw and jaw muscles Whether evolutionary development directly affected the jaw tip The issue is still controversial.

Although some claim that the tip of the chin developed with the use of the tongue for language use only There are also scientists who claim that it is not possible for the tip of the chin to be developed to this extent.

Let’s talk about sexual selection.

woman man chin

Sexual selection also appears as a completely different theory. Some features, Because it is attractive to the opposite sex can develop. Jaw shape may also give some signals about the partner.

For example, women may prefer men with wide chins, thinking that they have good genes. Likewise, a woman’s narrow chin, high estrogen levels can point. Moreover, although there is a small difference when comparing the chin of men and women, it appears that men have a more prominent chin.

According to some researchers, this difference eliminates theories that the tip of the jaw was developed for speaking or chewing, because if that were the case The jaw develops the same way in both genders should have.

There’s even a possibility that it’s just standing there for no reason!

chin tip

Our jaw may also be an evolutionary byproduct of a change in another feature. While you have a longer face and chin appearance Such a feature may have remained due to shrinkage over time as our posture changes and our face becomes shorter.

But we can test the by-product theory to count it as fact. because there is not enough evidence This remains only at the theoretical level. Which reason seems the most logical to you? Write in the comments!

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