Why Do Football Players Make Holes in Their Socks?

We explain the logical reason behind why football players who earn millions of dollars in salary wear tattered socks!

No matter which country’s teams you look at, some football players have common characteristics. For example, making holes in your socks. Neymar, Kyle Walker, Bukayo Saka… They all do the same.

What could be the reason for this interesting appearance and habit? Let’s see Is it something like superstition, totem or is there a scientific explanation?

Why do football players put holes in their socks?

Many football players have wide and muscular legs. to relieve pressure on the calf muscles They put holes in their tight socks. Thus, blood circulation increases and risks such as cramps are eliminated.

Why are football players' socks torn?

But some argue that such a thing is not very helpful. Yes, the tightness of the sock decreases and performance increased It’s obvious, but there is no scientific evidence that it significantly reduces cramps. We can say that it has become a bit of a trend now.

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