Why Do Dogs Chase Cars?

Dogs chasing not only cars but also motorcycles, bicycles and scooters show this behavior because it is purely instinctive.

Moreover, you do not need to pass the dogs with such vehicles, whether you run or skate You can be chased. Especially couriers and postmen can experience tension-filled moments for this reason.

If by their side if you walk You significantly reduce the risk of being chased. If they try to chase you even though you are walking, it is better to stop by not reacting instead of running away in fear.

Dogs are creatures focused on “protecting their territory”.

Due to these indispensable features of their nature, they create their own regions. they own that space. That’s why they bark at vehicles that are rapidly entering their area and are a danger sign for them and chase them until they leave the area.

Another factor is the “hunting” instinct.


In order to satisfy these impulses left over from his ancestors in the wild, he lived in the city. gazelle etc. most resembling prey They want to chase the vehicles that have it. But not because they want to eat, just because they want to chase.

They don’t know what to do after catching up with the vehicle or after the vehicle has stopped, they usually move away from there. So Joker’sI’m like a dog chasing cars. I don’t know what to do if I catch it, I just do.” like the situation in your line.

Of course, in some cases, they can also smash cars.

If their instincts overpower and becomes the normal of the herd Events like the one in the video can happen.

But not every dog ​​chases cars or buses for hunting. Maybe he’s just running so he doesn’t miss the bus, who knows.



There May Not Be a Connection Between Dog Breeds and Their Behaviors and Personalities

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