Why Do Doctors Write Prescriptions Incomprehensibly?

Although prescriptions are now written electronically, doctors can write prescriptions manually when the system freezes or during seizures. Only pharmacists know these alphabet codes of doctors, who almost create a special alphabet for themselves. Let us explain for you why doctors write prescriptions incomprehensibly.

There are drugs that are used for completely different purposes with a single letter change. Therefore, it is very important that the prescription written by the doctor is legible. “The Faculty of Pharmacy was opened to read that article.” In fact, pharmacists can also suffer from this situation, which is made with jokes.

For these prescriptions, which pharmacists sometimes cannot read, they try to reach the doctors first, and if they cannot reach them, according to the pharmacists, to WhatsApp groups with colleagues photo of the recipe is sent. So, what is the reason for the incomprehensible doctor’s letter that lies behind all this trouble?

According to one estimate, note-taking habits from his student years play a role in this article.

Medical professionals should take notes of almost every piece of information during the course during their student years. So by the most common estimate, in their student to type faster This form of writing developed sits over time as writing styles.

The letters we often encounter in prescriptions long and shifted to the right The appearance may be caused by holding the pen loose. Based on this, it is estimated that doctors continued their note-taking habits in their student life.

They may be trying to finish their work quickly because they fill out dozens of prescriptions and documents a day.

doctor's letter

Not to mention the prescription. It contains name, surname, date, protocol number, diagnosis and drug names, and doctors can use these prescriptions. writes about 80-100 a day. It doesn’t end there, the identification numbers and other information of the patients are recorded in the protocol book.

Moreover rest and health reports, consultation papers, examination request papers, pregnant follow-up cards Then they deal with dozens of writing and paperwork a day. Considering all these works, it seems that it should not be surprising that they write fast and complex.

The fact that what is written on the prescription is unfamiliar to us may also be improving our opinion.

Why is the doctor's letter incomprehensible?

The names of drugs that doctors prescribe are not words we are very familiar with. That is, although they write clearly, the terms are unfamiliar to us. It may appear “unreadable”.

Of course, our generalization also has an effect.

medical alphabet

The handwriting of people in many professions does not need to be seen by others, but what doctors write reaches patients, nurses and pharmacists. In other words, some people in the world have bad writing, some have good writing, and doctors have good writing.

But when we see a bad doctor’s letter, we direct it. we generalize to the profession group, when we see a good doctor’s letter, we don’t care much. A banker’s handwriting may also be bad, but we don’t see him or generalize to his profession.


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