Why Do Danes Sleep Their Babies On The Street In The Winter?

“My child, you are thinly dressed, you will get sick; It’s freezing, are you going out like this?” As a society that grew up with anxieties, it’s normal to have a small shock when you read the title!

In the summer months, the air flowing at 17-18°C temperatures below 0 degrees in winter If you go to one of the northern European countries, especially Denmark, you can see dozens of babies in strollers taking a nap without their parents.

Since we live in a culture that is extremely worried about being cold and being cold, we are aware that the idea of ​​putting our children to sleep outside in a cold weather sounds scary. Parents for this seemingly dangerous tradition to ensure the safety of children They do not neglect to take precautions such as baby monitors on behalf of them.

If you’re wondering if babies get cold, let’s listen to the words of a Danish mother.

Stating that they can do this in all weather conditions in summer or winter, the mother told the babies. that they dressed in light woolen clothes, He also states that they covered him with a feather duvet. This way, he says, babies can maintain their body temperature.

Moreover, this tradition has been practiced since 1958!


If you are wondering how this tradition started, in those years in the Soviet Union. scientists of the time has carried out studies showing that putting babies to sleep in cold weather positively affects the strengthening of their immune systems, and thus this practice, which has become a tradition, has continued from 1958 to the present.

Is it good for babies to be put to sleep outside in the winter?

baby in stroller

It has been observed that babies who sleep for an average of 1-2 hours indoors sleep for about 1.5-3 hours outdoors, that is, their afternoon naps last longer and their sleep quality improves. In addition, the sleeping hours of babies during the day become more regular has also been noticed.

indoors the density of microorganisms And considering the existing noise pollution, it doesn’t sound unreasonable to put babies to sleep in the fresh air so that they can have a better quality sleep, right?

This cultural habit is practiced even during the afternoon naps in the kindergartens.


For babies when it’s time to sleep in public places having sleeping quarters Besides, in kindergartens, open spaces prepared in the school garden are preferred for the children to sleep at noon.

Scandinavians, to be outside there is no such thing as bad weather he actually says he got sick because of the wrong clothes. When eyes are turned to the Ministry of Health on this subject, we learn that babies can be put to sleep outside up to -10°C.

Of course, it is also possible for this habit to work for you in different countries!


You should practice this habit, which is considered normal in Northern European countries, in different countries of the world. may endanger your baby’s safety. In addition, if you do not regulate your body temperature well, you can cause him to get sick. Tell us!


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