Why Can Uludağ Be Visible from Istanbul? – Webtekno

Discussions continue on social media about seeing Uludağ from Istanbul. According to flat earthers, this is proof that our planet is flat. The reality is different.

The Eid holiday increased to nine days for government institutions and many private sector employees, and people took advantage of this holiday and left Istanbul. Afterwards, air pollution in Istanbul decreased and a significant part of the city was removed from the air pollution in Bursa. Uludag could be seen. Thereupon, flat earthers said, “If the world wasn’t flat, we wouldn’t be able to see Uludağ.” He claimed.

In normal conditions The person who makes a claim is obliged to prove it But this time, let’s explain why this claim is not true. Why is the world not flat and why did we manage to see Uludağ?

Let’s take a look at the post:

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