Why Boron, Called the Fuel of the Future, Didn’t Get Attention?

73% of the known boron reserves in the world are in Turkey. Boron, which was seen as the oil of the future 20 years ago, would be indispensable for hydrogen fueled vehicles. Why was boron production limited to boron and detergent?

of great importance for the Republic of Turkey. Treaty of Lausanne It was signed in 1923. With the treaty signed on July 24, Turkey had officially recognized its de facto independence. Come on, this treaty has been at the center of some conspiracy theories for years.

There is not much in our country than conspiracy theory. One of the most baseless of these theories is the Treaty of Lausanne. “They forbid us to extract boron and oil, but that contract will expire after 100 years, then we will fly!” disclosed secret items. In this article, so much talked about status of the boron mine we will review.

Didn’t you say Lausanne is over?

The Treaty of Lausanne does not have an expiry date, it is a secret article of the treaty. the slightest proof neither. You wouldn’t believe it, but look at the text of the treaty, it can also be accessed here. As you can see, it’s oil, natural gas, border is not mentioned anywhere.

First of all, if we could agree on this part, now we can. why We will examine that Turkey’s dreams about boron are not real. Because there are two things we do with boron for now; one is my debt and the other is detergent. This situation is unlikely to change.

“Well how would you do it, they don’t make boron!”


When I’m told this “Who are those who don’t have it removed?” I say, the answer is ready immediately “Dij roses.“We have a problem of confusing symptoms with diseases. Nobody’s problem is that Turkey has boron, it’s that they don’t. of the world reserve 73.2% of He is in Turkey. The ratio of the reserves of the USA, which is right behind us, to the world’s reserves is 6.2%, while China’s is 3.6.

The claim made now without any source is an empty claim, it is worthless. TR Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources When we examine the website, we also see a report about boron. According to this report, Turkey is also the world’s largest boron supplier. Moreover, boron mines are not owned by foreign companies. Eti Maden Operations in your hand.

Breaking a record in 2021 2.6 million tons of boron export What we do is written in the report. In other words, the whole world uses boron, they do it for different purposes, but they do. They also come and get it from us.

Since boron comes out and is sold; You know the boron cars, the Dubai life for us?

boron powered car

Boron is a very good alternative for hydrogen fueled vehicles, but not the only alternative. Technology manufacturers around the world naturally focus on alternatives that they can reach themselves and that a single country – or even a single institution – will not look at.

Another point is the evolution of the automotive industry. It was known that the industry would move away from internal combustion engines and end its dependence on oil, but the transition was not to hydrogen fueled vehicles, but to hydrogen fueled vehicles. to the electrified it happened. Haliye “Give it away, take billions of dollars, let the world lie at our door, let’s be satisfied with prosperity“The dream was unfortunately a dream, it didn’t come true. Otherwise, let’s not pay any taxes, swim in luxury, buy three or five summer houses from the Greek islands and turn the Aegean into a Turkish lake, but it didn’t work.

Of course, we will not have a single detergent and debt left.


Boron is a really important material, but it creates a dependency on a single place in terms of resources, making its use at this stage restricts. The first and most basic thing to do to overcome this restriction is to highlight the products in which boron is used. A unique product to be produced using boron. artificial material if it had a structure that could take hydrogen vehicles 1000 km with less fuel, boron could be a fuel that should be considered at this stage, despite its rarity. Overcoming this is only the job of those who have boron, that is, ours.

boron disinfectant

On the dissemination of R&D processes and usage areas of boron products and technologies in Turkey TENMAK BORENhas been working since 2020. Boron continues to be extracted in mines, and boron is processed in our facilities. Boron mineral is currently used in glass industry, ceramic industry, cleaning and bleaching industry, fire retardant materials, agriculture, metallurgy industry, nuclear applications, photography, pharmaceutical industry, weaving, casting and welding, paint and paper industry, delaying the solidification of plaster and similar materials. It is used in plastic production, leather, as an additive in drilling mud, in the rubber and latex industry, in pH control and in many other areas. I mean, we take it out and use it just fine, but unless we work and process the ore in us And no one is trying to get us to the peak of our potential. (Don’t think that this is just a sentence about boron.)

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